About the Questions & Suggestions category

This is the category to use for most questions, suggestions, feedback or the like.

Use this category if you want to know how to do something, or have a suggestion for how Keyboard Maestro could be made better, or feedback on any area of Keyboard Maestro

Congratulations Peter for a great forum. User friendly (the best I have ever seen), easy to upload images, excellent help.

Thank you Ronald

I thought so :slight_smile:

Nice Guideline

I have been using KBM for years, and never knew about this forum!!!!

Shame on me.

Part of the problem is when ever I do have an issue, I send an email, and Peter responds fast and with correct information to fix my problem.

I just happened to be bungling around the program windows and stumbled into this. WOW!

Well laid out and easy to use.

Thank you Peter for an awesome program and a secret, (to me), awesome web site.



A post was split to a new topic: How to Use KM to Create Latex Macros