MODERATOR'S NOTE 2022/10/12 21:13 DST
See More Recent Topic: Best Macro List
Best Examples of Keyboard Maestro Macros
Hey guys, I'd like to build a wiki page that lists the best examples of Keyboard Maestro Macros.
ATTENTION Readers: Click here to jump to some actual macros in this topic.
If you have a macro you think should be included in the "best examples", please post here with a brief description (including why you think it is a "best"), and a link to the actual macro.
"Best" is a very subjective term, but I'd like to define it as one or more of the following:
- Examples that are likely to have broad appeal, likely to be used by many users
- Show automation of widely used apps
- Show automation of very complex processes, not likely to be automated otherwise
- Show ease-of-use of automating simple procedures that are highly repetitive
- Show edge cases that demonstrate the breadth of Keyboard Maestro
- Show automation that can be easily done by non-programmers
- Show automation that would appeal to power users
- others?
This list is just off the top of my head. I'm sure that @peternlewis, @ccstone, @ComplexPoint, and others will have thoughts on the criteria for what is the "best". Of course, @peternlewis, if you have a list that you would prefer to be used, we can certainly go with that.
Why am I asking?
I am a huge fan/user of Keyboard Maestro, and I like to share info about it with my friends and colleagues, and fellow Internet users. But I have a hard time succinctly stating "What is Keyboard Maestro?". So, I'm working on a little script I can use, and maybe put in the Keyboard Maestro Wiki if Peter approves. I'd like to include some great examples of KM macros.
BTW, I've reviewed the KM Wiki, Documentation, Home page, and elsewhere, and I have not been able to find something succinct that clearly communicates to people who know little or nothing about KM. Maybe I've missed it. If so, I apologize, and request that you post the link to it.