Bug Report: Import of Macro Creates New Macro Group
Running Keyboard Maestro 9.0.2 on macOS 10.14.5 (Mojave)
When a Macro, previously exported, is imported it always creates a NEW Macro Group by the same name, even though the MG exists.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Export a macro
- Delete the macro
- Change the properties of the Macro Group it was in (like change app availability)
- Import the Macro
- Observe that it puts the Macro into a NEW MG by the same name as the MG when it was exported, and still exists.
And what is worse, it does this without ANY warning or notice.
From: How to Import Macros -- KM Wiki
Note that the macro file (
) may contain one or more macros, and will also create the Macro Group if it does not exist in your configuration. Otherwise, it will ==put the Macro in your existing Macro Group==.
Expected Behavior
- If the MG exists, and has not changed, then the macro will be restored to the same MG.
- If the MG has changed, ask the user whether to import into existing MG, or new MG. If new MG, a version# should be appended, like when pasting an existing file with the Finder.
EDIT: 2019-09-12 18:14 GMT-5
The above is for a simple use case of where the KM export file contains only one macro, or in the worst case, one Macro Group with a number of its macros.
So, the question is, how should it be handled if the KM export file contains multiple Macro Groups, with regard to asking the user? My suggestion is to follow the behavior of the Finder: Ask the user for the first case, and then ask whether to apply that decision to all cases, or ask on each case.
The most important thing is to change the current behavior where a new Macro Group, or even a new Macro, is created when they already exist, and this is done silently without any warning or notification. If dups are created, at the bare minimum the user should be notified, and a version# added as a suffix to the name.