Can't stop macro

I have several KM macros, that runs under Cubase. Some of them I use to do things like renaming tracks. I use Execute until conditions met, and the condition is that I press Ctrl at the same time. But often the macro continues and "ruins" subsequent tracks. How come the macro doesn't stop the moment I press Ctrl?

Execute the Following Actions
Type the Left Arrow Keystroke
Type the Left Arrow Keystroke
Pause for PAUSE Seconds
Notify on failure.
Set Variable “I” To Calculation “NR_CHARACTERS”
NR_CHARACTERS Stop macro and notify on failure.
While All Conditions Met
The variable “I” is > 0
Execute the Following Actions:
Type the ⇧Right Arrow Keystroke
Set Variable “I” To Calculation “I-1”
I-1 Stop macro and notify on failure.
Type the Forward Delete Keystroke
Pause for PAUSE Seconds
Notify on failure.
Type the Tab Keystroke
Pause for PAUSE Seconds
Notify on failure.
Until Any Condition Met
The modifiers ⌃ are down

Is there a better way to include the macro in this forum, so that people can see it?

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