[Comment] What I love most about KM

The single thing I love most about KM is that editor changes do not require any kind of Save or even clicking somewhere else to automatically save (as, if I remember right, QuicKeys did). My second, and related, favorite thing is its thorough implementation of Undo. I am making this comment because although I am repeatedly astounded by KM’s quality, enormous range of features, interface elegance, and much else, every once in a while I notice what I don’t have to notice — that I don’t have to save and I can always undo. Very powerful.


The Undo is truly outstanding, I agree. You can even undo Imports. Really great.

It’s true that there are so many good things about KM that I take for granted. Take a bow, @peternlewis!


FYI, you can set the “undo stack size” with…

defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.editor MaximumUndoSize -int 200000000

where 200000000 (=200MB) seems to be the default. Source: Wiki.


Generally, no one should ever have to do this - basically I have one customer who has an enormous macro file and for them this was an issue. For everyone else who restarts their Mac at least once a year (or quits the editor of course), I doubt you’d ever hit this as a problem.

BTW, if you do quit the editor, you lose your undo history, however you still have the dated revisions in the File ➤ Revert Macros menu to go back to previous times, which you can use to go back, copy/export a macro, and then revert back to as it was and then import the lost/damaged macro.

We have seen that Display Text in a Window actions —for example used as Macro documentation— quickly can become pretty huge, when there is base64 image data embedded.

200MB sounds like a lot, but if your macro contains just one Display Text action with 15MB, the max. number of undos is already down to 13. Is my math right?

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Yes, you basically start hitting the issue if you are storing images in your Keyboard Maestro macros.

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