I am using:
Computer: iMac (Retina 5k, 27-inch)
Processor: 3.3 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5
OS: Mac OS 11.3 (Big Sur)
SOFTWARE: KB Maestro 10.0.2
I have had a macro that has been running for several months without error. While running this week, it gave a "NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4" message (see enclosed images displaying the action causing the error and the error itself from notifications). The error occurs when recursively deleting a directory.
Based on forum post below, I began to troubleshoot where the problem might be.
~/Desktop/Last-Upword-Backup/UpWord Notes
I manually typed in the filenames in the actions below as recommended in the forum post above.
Deleted and recreated KB Maestro action:
Set Variable saveFolderNameVar to Text ~/Misc/Security Backups.noindex/UpWord Notes/UpWord Notes-%ShortDate%
Tested. Result: NSC error
Deleted and recreated KB Maestro action:
Recursively delete file ~/Desktop/Last-Upword-Backup/Upword Notes
Tested. Result: NSC error
I then proceeded to narrow down the folder/directory in which the error might be appearing. I have narrowed it down to one directory. I enclose a listing (output from 'ls -lR') of all the files in the directory. I have looked at this in BBedit (Option: show invisible), but I cannot see anything wrong with the contents of the directory.
Can anybody suggest a way to narrow down the source of this error?
This seems to be an ongoing problem with KB Maestro actions.
I can provide a copy of the macro etc. if required.
Thank you for your assistance.
John Hamill