Here I am, sending CC#4 data to KM, and…my syntax is wrong, wrong, wrong.
My attempts to parse the token result in errors instead of numbers. (I can't read the error; it doesn't fit in the Notification Centre's alert bar.)
I don't seem to be unpacking the token correctly.
Could someone please help me get my de-referencing on track?
Thank you!
What is data of the TriggerValue ?
You can simplify by replacing with [Set Variable to Text] action
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Yes, but make sure the TriggerValue data is comma-delimited data that match the index
I…think it is? It's MIDI Continuous Controller data, as documented here…I think so?
You can show the value of TriggerValue by DisplayText Action
According to the MIDI trigger documentation, the TriggerValue has channel,note,velocity,device
The problem with your action is the space before the trailing percent.
%TriggerValue[3] %
will be the third space separated entry in the TriggerValue token.
will be the third comma separated entry in the TriggerValue token (as would %TriggerValue[3],%
Everything else looks fine.
You know you can grab the bottom of the notification and drag down – yes?
Also – look in the Keyboard Maestro Editor's Help menu for the Open Logs Folder menu item.
You can open those in BBEdit or the macOS Console to browse.
Open the Keyboard Maestro Engine Log in the Console or BBEdit