Many years ago, I created an Automator workflow that creates a floating screenshot using a web view. I use this almost every day so that I can keep a reference of a chunk of an email, a before/after version of an image, even a snippet of code from Stack Overflow, front-and-center above all other windows. (Especially useful on small screens!)
I got to wondering whether I could improve this using Keyboard Maestro, and not surprisingly, I could.
This macro will create a screenshot using the cmd+shift+4 style selection (window or crosshairs) and then float that screenshot above all your other windows. Thanks to KM8, it is resizable and will automatically scale the image as you resize the floating window.
Tried the original again and didn’t have problem a second time. My machine was < 5% battery and was starting to act a bit flaky anyway, so perhaps in the writes to “disk” to store state before a shutdown something happened.
Great workflow. I wonder if this can be modified to append several screenshots in a row (vertically scrollable) from a set folder of screenshots. Would avoid multiple windows and afford user to reference previously clipped information. Perhaps this is possible, @iNik
It's a thought. I would certainly find it helpful.
This is one of the most useful macros I’ve found here -- and that's saying a lot!
I recently bought a 4K display, and now the screenshot appears at about twice the size of the area I selected. On the old 2013 iMac's display, it was the same size.
Is there a way I can force the resulting window to be the same size as what I selected?