[FR] Right sidebar / panel

Current panels are:
| Macros | Actions | workspace |

(Sorry if im getting the terminology wrong)

The macros and actions are in flat text lists a mile long. And im already at the limit of my brain power trying to build complex macros…

how about moving workspace to the middle panel and actions to the right? I assume this would be a major overhaul, but it would be more aligned with many built in Mac apps, with “tools” on the right.
Oh and color code those actions by group! :star_struck:

workaround: I often use “add macro by name” and type it in.

Hi, @james8231.

I suspect that most experienced users do the same.

Some like @noisneil add a twist: Create Pre-Filled Action. I have a personal version using this approach.

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention: Favorite Actions and Macros, but @DanThomas.

With that said, I think the middle Actions pane is nice for new users because it provides an efficient method to browse the actions.

Personally, I'd love a toggle that could hide the Groups and Macros columns so that the macro actions could span the Keyboard Maestro window.

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Meanwhile, I hate that pane and even created a macro to automatically hide it when Keyboard Maestro activates. :sweat_smile:


Yessss again!

You lot are smoking hot so here’s the T-shirt :tshirt:

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