How Can I Effectively Use the KM Window Switcher?

Hi all,

I'm brand new, both to KM and to here, so bear with me and apologies if I am being really dim.

I note that control+tab brings up window switcher. But once open, I can't move between apps with the keyboard. I can only scroll with the mouse, which can't be the only way to move between them. I have tried left and right arrows but no joy.

Please help!!!


I hope you don't mind that I have revised your topic title to better reflect the question you have asked.

New user: probably doing something wrong

How Can I Effectively Use the KM Window Switcher?

This will greatly help you attract more experienced users to help solve your problem, and will help future readers find your question, and the solution.



Have you tried pressing and releasing the TAB key while continuing to hold down the CONTROL key?

This works for me, changing the window selected at the bottom of the Window Switcher dialog.

See Window Switcher in the KM Wiki.

NOTE: The KM Wiki does NOT provide this information. I will update shortly to add it.

Nope. Sadly not.

I get this window when I press Control+tab:

Releasing tab doesn't make a difference, sadly.

The Window Switcher ONLY changes the window for the current app.
In your case, Safari only has one window.

Ahhh, that's helpful. Thank you. But is there a way to move between different pieces of software? As they seen to be displayed, as per the image above?

Yes. From the KM Wiki article that I posted above:

  • Scroll through applications – Press left or right arrow keys

That was my first thought. Sadly, doesn't seem to work for me!

Are you continuing to hold down the CONTROL key while you press the left/right arrow keys?
Do you have another Macro or app shortcut set for CTRL-LeftArrow and/or CTRL-RightArrow ?

This doesn't work on macOS 10.12.6 with Keyboard Maestro 9.2.

Unless – you change the macro hotkey to something like Cmd-Opt-Tab.

@peternlewis – this looks like a bug.


Chris, what keys are you pressing to move to next/prior app?
I just found out that it works with CTRL-TAB- and left or right arrow key -- holding down all at once.

Did you try it in Mojave?

Left and Right Arrow keys.

Does not work for me on Sierra or Mojave – it just scrolls continuously in down the window list.


I did get it to work on both Sierra and Mojave with Ctrl-Tab as the hotkey by:

  • Activating the hotkey.
  • Releasing the Tab key.
  • Pressing the Shift key.
  • Pressing the Left/Right Arrow keys.


That works for me as well. I'll update the KM Wiki accordingly.

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Done. See Window Switcher.

@peternlewis, please review and confirm or correct.

I tested this and it works as described in El Capitan, High Sierra, Mojave and Big Sur.

So whatever is going on is not universal.

Yes, this is the sequence:

  • Control-Tab
  • Releasing the Tab key.
  • Pressing the Shift key.
  • Pressing the Left/Right Arrow keys.

Given that, and that it works on all my test Macs, you should probably revert the wiki.