How do I upload a Macro to the KM Forum?

I'm a long term user of KM, almost never join internet forums but I really appreciate KM,and have been working with it years. So: A few weeks back, I joined this forum. Here's my silly Q.

(I'm sure the answer is easily searched and/or in front of my nose but) I'm having a hard time uploading macros to this forum. There are a few I'd like to share with people, but can't seem to upload.

For example, I have a change case macro (different from the change case macros that have been shared here, in the past). I exported it to my desktop as 'ChangeCase.kmmacros.

Can someone tell me, how do I upload it to the KM Forum? (thx in advance...z)

Hey Clint,

See the wiki page that explains that:

How to Post Your Macro to the Forum


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You have 2 choices @Clint.
You can upload the macro directly to the forum using the share function with a screenshot


you go to File - Export Macros and save the macro on your desktop and can then use it in the forum via "Upload". That's the variant I prefer :wink:


You can automate it too.

Check this thread