How to Deactivate a Macro When Starting Keyboard Maestro Engine

I somehow created a macro that starts as soon as the Keyboard Maestro engine starts, and it pretty much takes over my computer (it goes into an infinite loop). I don't know how to stop it from running.

How do I stop all macros from running when I start Keyboard Maestro?

Is there a way to delete a macro or deactivate a macro without starting the Keyboard Maestro engine? Is there a file I can edit without starting the keyboard maestro engine?

Thanks for your help.

See the Run-Away Login Macros section of the KM Wiki's Troubleshooting page:

Also – you'll want to build a kill switch...

Thank you for your quick and precise reply. You pointed me to the right answer. I was able to regain control of my computer with your help.

I am amazed by how complete the KM Wiki is. My compliments to the KM Wiki author(s). It is so very complete.


Thank you for including a macro "kill switch". I know this will come in very handy for me and many others.

I really appreciate your help.

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