I have a KM macro which will crop a certain number of pixels off the bottom of a picture. A prompt comes up and asks how many pixels to remove and that's it. It will work for all selected pictures in Finder. I'm confused because most of the time it works properly. However sometimes, it shrinks the photo into the bottom left hand of the image, at about 25% of the original image. The rest of the image is white.
Please let me know what I can do to troubleshoot this. I'm happy to upload some sample photos and the macro.Crop Image.kmmacros (5.6 KB)
I don’t know why the macro doesn’t work, but since KM’s image tools are rather limited [1] I would use the command line tool ImageMagick for this kind of stuff.
This has several advantages:
Simpler macro
More flexibility
You don’t have to worry about the image file format
Getting familiar with ImageMagick will open up sheer endless possibilities
If you don’t have ImageMagick on your computer you can install it via Homebrew:
Email the macro and some example images that fail (all together in a zip folder so Mail does not mess with the images) to support at stairways dot com and I will see if I can duplicate or explain the issue.