January 19, 2023, 12:59pm
I create this macro
but when I type 'thx', the result like ThaThanks
Restart Mac is not working. What should I do to fix?
macOS (13.1) and Keyboard Maestro (Version 10.2)
Thanks.kmmacros (1.4 KB)
Solved! After I delete snippets on other app, it works Thanks for help!
Try using 'Insert Text by Typing' and see if your result is better.
Hey @Yohan ,
Please post an actual, testable macro.
Where is the problem occurring? Everywhere? Or just in certain contexts?
What version of macOS are you using?
What version of Keyboard Maestro are you using?
This problem is not completely unheard of but is not at all normal.
January 19, 2023, 8:57pm
I also add other languages on the keyboard, but if you set it as a typing,
if the language other than English is activated, the text is typed in a
other language than English, so I cannot set it up as a typing. Thanks for reply!
January 19, 2023, 9:03pm
How can I post a testable macro? I already upload a screenshot of the full macro.
It happens everywhere and in all apps. Most other text macros I made with same rule have issues (not just ThaThanks)
I use the latest macOS (13.1) and Keyboard Maestro (Version 10.2)
January 19, 2023, 9:06pm
Here is the gif. Just duplicate macro with KeyboardMaestroTest text. it works but still not thx (ThaThanks)
So, you're asking people to take their valuable time reconstructing a macro you've already built just to help you ?
If you haven't read this it's worth a couple of minutes of your time.
Take Care,
(Keyboard Maestro Moderator)
January 20, 2023, 2:21am
No I'm just asking It's my first to use this forum Sorry about it
I will use automatic sharing next time. For this time, I attached the macro file.
Thanks for your help!
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January 20, 2023, 3:23am
This kind of problem as I mentioned is uncommon and can be hard to diagnose.
What version of macOS are you using?
What version of Keyboard Maestro?
Do you have a system text expansion for 'thx" or "th"?
What happens if you change the trigger abbreviation text to something other than "thx"?
Could you have another utility on your system that's interfering with the macro?
January 20, 2023, 3:31am
One of your questions reminds me I set snippet on other app with the same hotkeys. After I delete all snippets on Alfred It works well! Thanks a lot for your help!
The only way I can see that happening is if you have a system shortcut that also maps “thk” to Thanks.
After typing “thx”, Keyboard Maestro will simulate the following events:
Type a Backspace
Type a Backspace
Type a Backspace
Set clipboard to “Thanks”
Type Command-V
thus there is absolutely no way to get "ThaThanks" unless something else is involved.
January 20, 2023, 7:07am
Ah I see now I understand how Keyboard Maestro works more. Thanks!
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Instead of thx change it to tzz and see if problem is fixed first.
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