@Tom @ajg23
Thank you for suggesting screenfloat.
This morning was a perfect example of how practical it is: had to enter smtp info copied from the web while using apple mail
Just hold down ⌘ when approaching the window with the mouse pointer. Then you can…
- move it by clicking and dragging anywhere in the window
- close it by clicking the close button (top left) or via gear menu (top right) or via contextual menu
thank you so much ! Could not find the info on my own, which does not speak greatly of my intellect
Hey Ronald,
the info is right there where you activated the setting :
Thanks !
Hello @ronald & @Tom, if it is only about a screenshot, please look at the free app Screen Bandit to
Hey, this is a nice one, too. Thanks. Love to bounce images across the screen
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work well with Retina displays. (Resolution too low, even at max magnification.) Or am I missing something?
You're right @Tom. On my Mac (27 inch) it works fine. Have it just tested on my Retina MBP and there it is defensively to blurred.
I'll write the developer right away. I wanted anyway because I still lack a few shortcuts.
Thank you for the feedback
Tom, you are right. I tested it with Retina and noticed that the resolution is too poor, so I deleted it.
Appleiner had a good idea. I think that it’s because the last update is I think 2016.
I would like to thank both of you for a very interesting discussion.
Do any of you have experience with Diggy. Is there an advantage over Moom?
Do you mean Divvy?
yes, sorry Divvy
It’s nice too. I used to use it some time ago, because it had one particular advantage: While the grid was on screen I could resize a window (e.g. a Finder window) then cycle to the next window with the usual ⌘` shortcut, resize it, cycle again etc. without having Divvy taking the focus away from the Finder.
This allowed to really quickly resize several windows in a row.
But at some point this stopped working. Now, after resizing the first window I have to click (e.g.) in the Finder and only then I can use ⌘` to cycle to the next window.
With that advantage gone nowadays I prefer BTT, or sometimes Moom. But most of the time BTT is good enough.
thanks. I will take a second look at BTT
Hey Ronald,
@iNik has posted a very nice KM macro that provides the basic functionality of the Screenfloat app.
It doesn't have the "auto-disappearing mode" on mouseover, but it lets you resize/scale the screenshot window, and you can minimize the window to the Dock.
thanks very much Tom. I tried it.
1- it takes a complete screenshot instead of a partial snapshot of a region on the screen, which I don’t find very useful
2- after that, the screenshot seems to just sit there, occupying the whole screen.
there must be something I don’t understand.
thanks again very much
Seems you have downloaded a different macro
By default the macro captures the window. As usual, you can toggle between window capture and area capture by pressing the Space bar. You can also customize the screencapture script in action #1. Read the screencapture man page. (Type man screencapture
in the Terminal.)
As said, you can resize/scale it by dragging the corner of the window, and you can also minimize it to the Dock. (The yellow window button or ⌘M.)
thank you very much Tom.
I read the screencapture manual in Terminal ➤ changed -ioWc to -ioc, and everything works.
I am very grateful for your patience.
You have a gift for teaching: you could have spoonfed me the answer which would not have been as interesting for me.
The resulting floating window at the end is a bit big. Could you put me on the right track to as where it’s size is defined ? I understand the part about manual resizing. I am referring to the default size.
thanks again very very much. Great macro and great teacher.
The window size depends on the dimensions of your screenshot.
If you want a fix window size you could set some fix values in the KMWindow function:
function KMWindow() {return "1500, 0, 500, 500";}
or replace the opening body tag with something like this:
<body data-kmwindow="SCREEN(Main,Left,90%),SCREEN(Main,Top,0%),500,500">
(See KM Wiki.)
Each of them gives me a 500px window in the top right corner of the screen.
If it's that what you want, you can remove then any stuff related to the floatingScreenshotImageDimensions
the new body tag is works perfectly and is exactly what I wanted.
thanks so much and have a nice day !