Is Sequoia okay?

Has anyone downloaded macOS 15.0 (Sequoia?) I see it is available now. Is it causing any issues? Usually I'm the first to download, but right now I don't want to break my macros which are working well. (My KM About window says I've saved 168 years, and this Mac is still quite new.)

I've been using KM on Sequoia off an on for months without noticing any issues. However, it's on a test machine, and I don't run my full suite of macros on it like I do on the production box. But the set I've been using has run fine, and I haven't noticed any oddities.



Courageous – and generous of you to share in the development burden.

( Another approach is to wait until the marketing name of the next version is first announced – the downhill run proves smoother, on the whole, than the free solo ascent)

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Lags magnificently. Kind of want to revert to previous version. Caution when upgrading. The bug is targeting to screen capture related functions, lags heavier when game mode is on.

Keyboard Maestro lags, or Sequoia lags?

I've heard rumors that Sequoia is very protective of inter-application scripting and asks you daily (?) if you want to allow it. Is any of that true? I use KM non-stop, and probably can't afford to retool some of my processes this week...

Sequoia is more protective over screen recording, not inter-application scripting. But that still impacts on many apps -- including KM.

The daily nag was a bug, there's now a reminder dialog every month, there may be an option to grant permanent screen recording permission on a per-app basis (if there isn't, complain to Apple!).

What I don't yet know is if screen recording is blocked when the nag dialog is up -- I'm wondering if you could have a runs-every-30-days KM macro that then monitors for the dialog in the background and automatically renews its own permissions :wink:

I was wondering that too, but since they are security confirmation boxes, I would doubt that these boxes are either readable or writable by software. They are probably considered their own apps which are not controllable by other apps.

Great response, thank you!

Out of curiosity, what's the most effective way to complain to Apple? I'm pretty sure it's not on their forums...


What machine? What are processer and ram specs?

Does it lag in specific apps or is it general?

I've noticed a few issues when I run Elgato Stream Deck > Keyboard Maestro > AppleScript to trigger > Filemaker Scripts or selected thing in Chrome. I think it's timing so I've been adding pauses here and there and it's slowly going away, but it's been a pain figuring out.

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Jeff Johnson has posted about a work-around.
Not sure if it sticks around.
But worth a shot to increase the time for the apps to be allowed screen recording.

The biggest thing I encountered is the 'new'
System Settings / Privacy & Security / Local Network - enables.....
I use keyboard maestro to dial our VOIP phones and also to interact with Filemaker Pro quite a bit.
So I needed to enable those specific apps to communicate with my local network.
Other than that, all seems well.


Wow, that's great news. (Although something this simple makes me wonder how weak is the security of other macOS features.)

And now some have made an app to change the dates in the plist:

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That's good. I think someone could also make a KM macro to do this, and I think the KM Editor Settings / Security pane could also be changed to do this.

Yea, that's much better than previous suggestions of "set your system clock to a future date and OK the dialogs", with all its attendant side-effects!

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So far my concerns were all-for-naught, it's been smooth sailing on Sequoia.

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I would not add this to Keyboard Maestro since I suspect Apple will consider the ability to do this a bug / security issue and stop people stopping Apple’s security theatre.

Enjoy it while it lasts.