Keyboard Maestro (KM) is changing case of text over VNC

I have many macros that type out text for me.
I have found they don't work well over Screen Sharing (VNC).
The text for each word often ends up capitalised at the end of the word.

If I can see what needs to be changed it's simple enough to do so.
Not so simple when entering text into a password field.
I tried entering one letter at a time and got the same result.

Has anyone come across this?
Has anyone come up with a workaround?

Cheers and thanks!

Since you didn't show your current macro, all I could do was plug your question into an LLM and I got the following answer. I don't think LLM answers are prohibited on this website yet, so I'm hoping this answer won't get deleted. There seem to be some good ideas below.

If the last character of each word appears capitalized when using VNC (Virtual Network Computing) screen sharing, the issue is likely caused by keyboard mapping mismatches or input handling problems between the local (client) and remote (server) systems. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

1. Keyboard Layout Mismatch

:small_blue_diamond: Cause: If the client and server have different keyboard layouts (e.g., one is set to QWERTY and the other to AZERTY), VNC might misinterpret keypresses.

:small_blue_diamond: Solution:

• Check and match the keyboard settings on both the client and server.

• In Windows, go to Settings > Time & Language > Language & Region > Keyboard .

• In macOS, check System Settings > Keyboard > Input Sources .

• In Linux, use setxkbmap to configure layouts.

2. Sticky Keys or Input Lag Issues

:small_blue_diamond: Cause: Some VNC software has input lag, which can cause certain keys (like Shift) to be “stuck” or misinterpreted.

:small_blue_diamond: Solution:

• Toggle Sticky Keys off on both systems.

Windows: Control Panel > Ease of Access > Keyboard > Sticky Keys

macOS: System Settings > Accessibility > Keyboard > Sticky Keys

• Try a different VNC client (e.g., TightVNC, RealVNC, or TigerVNC).

• Reduce network latency by using a faster connection or lower-quality display settings in the VNC app.

3. Auto-Capitalization Settings

:small_blue_diamond: Cause: Some remote systems might have text prediction or auto-capitalization enabled, which could incorrectly capitalize the last letter.

:small_blue_diamond: Solution:

• On Windows, check Keyboard Settings > Text Suggestions and disable it.

• On macOS, go to System Settings > Keyboard > Text and disable auto-correction.

4. VNC Encoding or Clipboard Interference

:small_blue_diamond: Cause: Some VNC encodings (e.g., Hextile, Tight, ZRLE) can cause misinterpreted key events. Clipboard sharing could also interfere with input.

:small_blue_diamond: Solution:

• In your VNC client settings, switch to Raw or Tight encoding.

• Disable clipboard sharing in the VNC settings to test if it helps.

5. VNC Client or Server Bug

:small_blue_diamond: Cause: Some VNC software versions have known keyboard mapping bugs.

:small_blue_diamond: Solution:

Update both the VNC server and client to the latest version.

• Try a different VNC client (like UltraVNC, TigerVNC, or RealVNC).

• Restart both the client and server systems.

Final Recommendation

Start by checking the keyboard settings and layout on both systems. If that doesn’t help, experiment with VNC encoding settings, disabling sticky keys, or switching to another VNC client .

Unfortunately, various remote desktops/virtual machines do not always properly honour the simulated keys, especially modifiers. And while there might be something that Keyboard Maestro could change in how it simulates the keys, because remote desktops/virtual machines are black boxes with no way to tell what they want, there is not anything I can do to resolve the issue.

None that I know of. Send data by pasting if that works.

I tried pasting but that did not work. Maybe because the password field does not allow pasting. The VNC client I'm connecting to is the default one for macOS.

I ended up using Display Text "{{password}}" in Window - makes it easy to type the password in.

Cheers and thanks!

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Hi, @csmu. In particularly stubborn cases I use this: Insert Text Into Restricted Field

Got the same results over vnc - case inconsistent all over the place.

I like the macro however. I'll be studying it!

Cheers Jim


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What's at the other end? If it's mainly Macs and you use Screen Sharing a lot, consider upgrading to Apple Remote Desktop -- in my experience it handles "remote typing" better (plus it does a bunch of other stuff you may find useful).

For me, Apple Remote Desktop gives the same, disappointing results as those given by Screen Sharing app... so it's a bit of an ARD sell, but it's free, so maybe worth a try!

Edit: nope.

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I thought ARD was $80?


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I did provide a link to the App Store so see what happens!

Edit: I have just tried in a different browser, without being logged in. You are correct! I can only guess that I have a licence lingering from the olden days. In that case... forget ARD. :wink:

I have a license for Apple Remote Desktopso. I gave it a whirl. Same results.

I then tried Insert Text Into Restricted Field with Apple Remote Desktop.
Same results.

I then tried Insert Text Into Restricted Field with a second delay before each letter. Success!. Tested on a second device. Success!

Thought I'd try with Screeen Sharing once more with Insert Text Into Restricted Field . Success again!

Thanks to all!




Hi, @csmu; glad Insert Text Into Restricted Field this is working for you.

Curious, was a full second (Delay = 100) needed?

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G'day @_jims

My mistake. I misunderstood the order of magnitude. The value I used was 1.

