mpc pause
is a command I can use to pause music playing through mpd. I installed mpc with homebrew.
I’m trying to make a hotkey execute it.
/var/folders/gq/6w_g87qd7b14pk6bx8mr41xw0000gn/T/Keyboard-Maestro-Script-3D1C27A2-713E-4503-9DA6-8FB277A92673: line 1: mpc: command not found
is the output I get. If I make a .sh file with mpc pause it gives me this:
/Users/Jnny/Desktop/ line 3: mpc: command not found
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The environment provided by the KM "Execute Shell Script" is quite different from the Terminal app.
See action:Execute a Shell Script [Keyboard Maestro Wiki]
As the search paths in your Terminal environment are not automatically exported to the shell environment created for an KM Execute Shell Script action, you need to either:
November 7, 2016, 1:58pm
Another possibility – which is only mentioned very briefly in this Wiki article – is to set the ENV_PATH
You can do this in KM Editor > Preferences > Variables . For example:
Since all KM variables are global, this will affect every shell script action.
Reduces clutter in the shell script actions
While still being separated from your Terminal environment, it’s easy to keep the paths in sync with it
If you add a new preferred path (or change the order), all script actions adopt it automatically
You can always override it by specifying a full path in an action
Less portable when distributing macros (but portability is always limited when command line tools are involved)
--> Concerning the Wiki:
I found it mentioned also in the Troubleshooting article , but the variable name is not spelled correctly there (“ENVPATH” instead of “ENV_PATH”).
Excellent points, @Tom . I will update the Wiki later today to add your discussion, and to correct the spelling error.
Still works in 2024! I tried sourcing my shell's env file and it still had problems. ENV_PATH works, though.
I didn't know about this one. Will try it. it might help me a lot .