Hi Chris,
Your reply reminds me of a Buddha story.
A mother brought her son before the Buddha and asked the Buddha to tell him not to eat candy. The Buddha told the mother to bring him back in two weeks. Upon returning two weeks later, the Buddha then lectured the boy not to eat candy. The woman of course thanked the Buddha and asked him why he had them come back two weeks later? The Buddha replied “As of two weeks ago I hadn't stopped eating candy".
Anyway, I greatly appreciate yours and all the others inputs!!
For less then $60 I’ve ordered the following used books on Amazon and eBay.
Learn AppleScript The Comprehensive Guide to Scripting and Automation on Mac OS (actually, this was a PDF I bought.)
The Tao of Applescript/Book and 2 Disks (Bmug's Guide to Macintosh Scripting)
AppleScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner by Jerry Lee Ford Jr. (2007-07-31)
AppleScript For Dummies 2e
Apple Training Series: AppleScript 1-2-3
AppleScript: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition, Neuburg, Matt
Danny Goodmans Applescript Handbook
Beginning AppleScript by Stephen G. Kochan
After throwing my hat over the fence with these, I scoured the Internet for materials. I came up with about 80 resources which I will scrub through and sort out. One of the best ones surprised me in that you did not offer it:
References For Learning & Using Applescript
This will be the first branch I’ll work my way through.
I’ll skim, dip, peruse and generally wrangle and wrestle my way thur this little forest of data I’ve collected until I have enough exposure to feel I have a handle on this language.
In working to get my hands around this NEW language, I'm discovering how very kinesthetic my learning style is. Simply collecting a large enough pile to figure out how to sort through will, I think, begin to give me an outline of the overall structure of this language which I feel I need before diving into the details of it. I need a kind of kinesthetic experience of the thing from which to generate the concepts as I don’t do as well just working conceptually. This kind of language learning seems very conceptual to me at this point. Perhaps when I get more of an overview and lay of the land I will be grounded enough to start feeling more comfortable and get interested in the details.
Thanks again for all the support! I'm off to see the wonderful Wizard of AS… Or as Bilbo said “I’m going on an Adventure…”
BTW, I’m offering all this noise, splashing around, and general fanfare in case there are other kinesthetic learner looking to get a purchase in climbing this mountain.