Long Palettes vs Find/Trigger Macro by Name

Continuing the discussion from MACRO: Renumber Macro Prefix Numbers:

Since this is substantially off-topic for the above topic, I have started a new topic just to discuss a comparison of palettes vs trigger by name.

Dan, obviously you have developed a preference for this approach.
Can you comment on the pros/cons of using a large palette, vs using trigger macro by name (which I'm using more and more)?

Here are mine:

  • Pros of using Long Palette
    • Helps you remember what macros you have when you have a long list
    • Great for people who prefer mouse over keyboard
    • Great when you have a sequence of Macro to run, each with a single click

Example: Using Dan's Macro Alias technique, I created this long palette for Evernote, for when I can' remember even what macros I have:

Note here I have also assigned hot keys to trigger the most often used macros.

  • Pros of using Trigger by Name

    • Doesn't use any screen space until I need it
    • Doesn't require any use of the mouse
    • All I have to do is remember any word in the Macro name
    • As I type the name, the selection quickly shortens
    • I can use a common word to quickly show a related macros, like "Fav"
  • Cons of using Trigger by Name

    • You have use the "n:" qualifier to actually filter by Name
    • The filter will include characters within a word, which I almost never want to do

Example: Using "EN" as the initial search by name:

I am still developing my techniques and preferences for finding and triggering macros. I welcome all discussion on that subject here.

I only use large palettes with applications that are already heavily mouse-centric. Whole there’s a lot you can do in the KM Editor with just keystrokes, you always have to use the mouse for some things. So I don’t mind the big palette.

Regarding Trigger by Name, for some reason I just hadn’t really noticed it before. And now that I see it, I see another use of a new set of macros I’m working on. More on this later.

Makes sense.

I used to mostly use the mouse with the KM Editor, but as of late I've been using keyboard hot keys for

  • the Action Insert by Name, with a ^A shortcut -- makes it fast and easy to type.
  • Hotkey triggered macros to set Action color (⌥C) and name (⌥N)

Me too. In fact, I have a new macro I'll be releasing shortly to hopefully make this even easier (fingers crossed).

I have to look at the colors before I can decide which color I want. So that won't work for me. :slight_smile:

But yes, I wish I could do most everything from the keyboard. I am a developer, used to IDEs. But I realize KM isn't the same animal, and that's cool with me.

Actually, you see the colors:

Put the mouse pointer over the top, non-active, part of the Action (or just select the Action), and When I press ⌥C, here's what I see:

Then I just type the first letter of the color, and RETURN.

##Macro Library Set Color of KM Action

Set Color of KM Action.kmmacros (4.7 KB)

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Oh, I get it. Cool! Thanks.

I still think using a key or key combo trigger to launch the palette, then type a letter in the choice I want is pretty powerful and allows me to stay away from the mouse.

Note in this case I am using CONTROL+K to launch the palette then for example to convert selected text to Sentence case I merely type "S".

So you're using it to insert actions in your macro construction and colorize them then?

Yes. However, by using @DanThomas' new KMFAM macro system, I now have a number of Actions already colored and named, so it just takes one step to insert the finished Action.


Great food for thought! I understand how you use, trigger the long palette. But I do not get how you use/trigger the "Trigger by name" palette.

It is very easy, very simple to use MACRO: Execute Macro by Name (Spotlight) by @DanThomas:

  1. Trigger this macro (I use ⌘⌃⌥M)
  2. This popup window appears,
    • which filters your macro list to only those that are ACTIVE in the present context (app).
    • So this window shows ONLY those macros that can be triggered in Brave Browser.
  3. Simply start typing any characters in the macro name
    • You can use a SPACE to search for different words in the macro name
  4. If the macro finds your target macro, just hit RETURN
  5. Else arrow down or enter more characters to select your target macro; Then hit RETURN

It is very fast and very easy. It is my default way of triggering macros, which I use many times a day.

Make sense?

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It makes super sense!

I just didn't know this lovely tool existed (cc @DanThomas) .

Thank you for your detailed answer :+1:

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