Many of us have been building up libraries of macros that can be called as "sub-macros". Reusable components, accessed through an "Execute a Macro" Action.
Sometimes you want to find all the Macros that call one of your sub-macros. Here's an easy way to do it.
Select a Sub-Macro.
Trigger this Macro.
Get a window with the names of every Macro that uses the selected sub-macro.
Click one of the listed Macros, and jump right to it.
Click one of the listed Groups, and jump right to it.
Leave the window open until you're done with it.
You can also do this natively in the Keyboard Maestro editor, by copying the sub-macro's UUID and pasting it into the Search field. But I prefer having the results in a separate window, like this.
One advantage of searching the native KM way is that it highlights the Actions that reference the sub-macro. My method does not do this.
Message to the kind support I get systematically in variable fmumResults:
2016-06-16 09:48:05.839 osascript[19996:6813589] warning: failed to get scripting definition from /usr/bin/osascript; it may not be scriptable.
/var/folders/0d/dj43zrpj3kg85hdt91_cjwy00000gp/T/Keyboard-Maestro-Script-C3CD02A7-1CD0-4BE9-A4C7-52892202A9F0:1560:1594: execution error: Error on line 55: TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'convertPlistPartToString(macro.Actions)
.includes(_targetMacroUUID)') (0)
Hope I don't misused this great KM tool.
Cannot help in JXA, sorry
Perhaps a tagging this topic as "tool" can be welcome
2016-06-16 10:39:50.079 osascript[20268:6953186] warning: failed to get scripting definition from /usr/bin/osascript; it may not be scriptable.
/var/folders/0d/dj43zrpj3kg85hdt91_cjwy00000gp/T/Keyboard-Maestro-Script-3413FE14-0409-4C4D-BA20-35F0EBAF900B:1870:1936: execution error: Error on line 56: TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating '_parts.includes(_targetMacroUUID)') (0)
Dan perhaps better to sleep and support when you awake Thanks
Nevertheless, I see some improvement Not totally joking Dan
updated version 1.1
fmumResults =>
2016-06-16 12:20:58.181 osascript[20528:7047331] warning: failed to get scripting definition from /usr/bin/osascript; it may not be scriptable.
Palette MyGest 7B943D53-3743-42FE-B41B-A10548F78D5C 01)XXXX: 4xxx: QA v1.5 A444EB87-E86A-4558-B44B-4F5B2AF08CFC
Palette MyGest 7B943D53-3743-42FE-B41B-A10548F78D5C 02)XXXX: Synthèse v1.0 14D78F60-40C9-4608-B6A5-FF85BA138BEF
fmumTargetMacroName =>
2016-06-16 12:20:58.181 osascript[20528:7047331] warning: failed to get scripting definition from /usr/bin/osascript; it may not be scriptable.
Dan this is awesome, I downloaded this a few weeks ago but didn’t quite realize what a gem this is, you are blowing my mind lately! I love how active you guys are on the forum and absolutely love using Keyboard Maestro with stuff like this.