MACRO: Palette Organizer v1.3

Unless this macro maybe doesn't work with MacOS Sanoma, I must be missing something in understanding.

I have read every word of this very long thread and I just don't understand how to get it going. If I try to invoke the macro using run or try I am told to select two or more macros. If I do that then how do I launch the macro? Okay, so I give the macro a hot key trigger. Now I go select several of my macros and invoke the trigger... viola, nothing happens. So I re-load KBM fresh. Same story.

The latest message in this thread is only a few days old... Am I crazy or just dumb? I did read the notes from Skitza way back, so I tried with the edit toggled both ways... nothing.

This is frustrating... I hope it's my system and not me... Or maybe I just don't know how to read directions... 1) select two or more macros; 2) Launch this macro. Seems pretty simple.

Must be my system:

2019 MacBook Pro
Sanoma 14.1
KBM 10.2

Somebody save me... Please...

Hmm. Is the macro active when you are tryin to launch it from the hotkey trigger? Are you selecting multiple macros in the same group (not a smart group)? Have you tried launching it by name or status menu? Just throwing some troubleshooting idea out there. Might also look at the KM log right after triggering to see if that gives any clues.

Yes, I have double and triple-checked to ensure that the macro and macro group are active. Yes, I am selecting several macros from the same group which is not a smart group. I haven't tried to launch by name or via status menu. I'll have to go read up a bit to learn how to do that. All I have really done is load the macro and follow the first two instructions. I did notice that after an hour or so there appeared a blank mostly white window pane that is titled "Palette Organizer". But it is just totally blank even though I have nine of my active macros selected.

Pardon me if you've already answered this, but have you tried rebooting your Mac?

OK, after reboot the macro worked fine. Interesting that I hadn't seen anything else not functioning. Before rebooting, I was using a VPN. Perhaps that had something to do with it.

Nice macro... Thanx!

Awesome - glad that solved the problem!

KM uses a "web server" process to display Custom HTML Prompts. Every once in a while, KM's "web server" process has some hickups. Fortunately, rebooting has always solved the problems. Knock on wood! :smile:

After rebooting, I noticed that some text manipulation macros that I had set to a common activation hotkey wouldn't open a conflict palette. Also, they wouldn't work individually. I ended up copying them to another macro group and they all started working. I did some checking by copying known good macros to the apparently bad macro group and they would stop working. When placed back to their original group they were fine. Before you ask, the bad macro group was active as were the macros. Needless to say, I emptied that bad group of good macros and deleted it. Aren't computers a real joy in life?



Remember when they told us that computers would make things easier? Yeah, right.


Hi Dan, long time, I trust all is well.

IF and only if you want to put time into this, I just came up with the same idea of losing the numbers per @appleianer 's request.

What has occurred is that I have a list of macros all nicely organized by number. I duplicated the list (of course numbers and all) and this version of the list isn't as fixed. It's a simple list of folders that I frequently move items to and so just moves the finder selection to the target folder.

I had used the number ordered version to push the most frequently used items to the top. With the new version I'm just going to let them self organize alphabetically. SO
to make a long story short (oops, too late :wink:) having the option to De-number the list to allow an A-Z sort by macro name in this case names of my folders, would be nice. As I add and delete folders to file in frequently, A-Z is better than frequent reorgs via Palette Organizer.

Bonus highly unlikely request. It'd be wicked good to be able to select a folder and trigger a macro that would add it to the list like you can in Default Folder to add a new Favorite to its listings but I do not think Keyboard Maestro is geared to generate macros outside of the editor.

They are full of wonder and a real joy when you expect them to be as glitchy as the folks who make and use them :innocent:.

Personally, I think life is simply one gigantic glitch. I just can't remember what it was going for before it glitched. This seems to get truer and truer with age.

I also think (thanks for asking :wink:) that getting it right or success is a matter of having the rate of correction exceed, at least long enough to cross the goal, the rate of error, recognizing that the rate of error is a constant. Another name for that constant is Entropy.

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Yeah, that's probably not gonna happen. I understand the use case, but it's not something I'm excited to do. :slight_smile:

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Love this macro so much. I think this has already been asked, but how can I change the default length of the separators (so they're shorter every time I use the organiser)


Right now you can't change it. They're suppose to be sized to fit the width of the widest macro name, but it doesn't work right.

It's something I might fix at some point in the future.