MACRO: Palette Organizer v1.3

very funny !

Savage! :rofl::rofl:

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Slight error here. 00-99 is 100 values, A0-Z9 is 260, so the total is 360, not 359.

Actually, I don't allow the starting number to be zero, so that's where the error is.

Just downloaded your Palette Organizer v1.3. It really is magic.
Thanks for sharing.


Whaou !... So brilliant and practical!... Well done and thank you!...

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Good Morning. Great macro! I am getting an error when executing, regardless of which macros I select. Using v1.3 Please see screenshot (the UUID changes depending on WHICH macros I am trying to edit):


What OS are you using, and what version of KM?

KM Version is: 10.2
OS is Ventura 13.0.1

I don't have an answer. Sorry.

Hi, is there a reason I can't use 0 as an increment? I give lots or macros the same number, so that they get sorted alphabetically and use the numbers only to keep groups together. Would it be possible to allow an increment of 0?


No, that's not how it works. Sorry.

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I see :slight_smile:

You could use Dan's tool, and then rename them to set chunks of them all to the same number, and those would fall back to alphabetical in that case.

Here is one way to do that:


Hello Dan (@DanThomas)

Unfortunately that I am very late to the Party installing Version 1.3 of this fabulous Macro (user of it since the very first Version for at least 1 time every two weeks :sunglasses: ) I did it today - just because I remembered that you gave us the Extended Renumbering Option as a new powerful feature with Version 1.3 - and the fact that I have to bring some kind of Structure into some of my Macro Groups whose contain more than 150 Macros ā€¦

But here is my Problem

After doing the prep to let the macro do itā€™s Magic I got a Running away Version of the Progress Bar and this Error Message displayed using Jims Display Last Error Macro

Zipped Report will be attached below :arrow_down:

I am currently not at home - have my MacBook Pro 13ā€œ mid 2010 using High Sierra with me and unfortunately canā€™t test it on my iMac (which is at home) with Monterey - so this Error is related to High Sierra and KM 10.2.

I Had a look at the macro trying to find out what I could to to fix that eventually by my self - but I realized that I have no clue on how to start ā€¦

Please have a look at this Macro and provide a fix for this ā€¦

Here the zipped Report

2023-Oct-11_11-34-03am GMT+1 - [Error Report of Macro --> Palette Organizer Ver 1.3] -- macOS High Sierra & KM (1,8 KB)

Wish you a great day !!

Greetings from Germany :de:


It's not related to High Sierra or KM 10.2. Also, the progress bar isn't "running away" - that's just what it looks like (going back and forth - basically it's just an animated gif).

You should focus on why the menu item "View->Select Macros Column" is disabled. I don't know off the top of my head why it would be disabled, but that's the issue.

Hello Dan (@DanThomas) :wave:,

First of all, sorry for the late replyā€¦ had to keep my bed while suffering from really bad headachesā€¦

Maybe, you misunderstood me here ? :thinking:
I just wanted to let you know, that this is at the moment the only Setup I can use this macro on ā€¦. Not in general ā€¦

Iā€˜m aware of the animation - since I am a user of the macro since day one of Version 1.0 ā€¦
What I mean by this, is that the macro keeps running and running and keeps showing the animation without aborting it self - what it should do based on your way of handling things like errors or timeouts (and I know about this - just because I have every Macro that youā€™ve written an shared here. Iā€˜m not kidding - Iā€™m kind of obsessed about having and using your tools :heart_eyes::joy: )

This is the thing where I really donā€™t know how to fix it - normally the macro should be able to handle it - but it seems to me that the macro is not able to catch up on this - maybe it is not able to get the focus back on the editor window before it is going to let the magic happen on the selected macrosā€¦ :thinking:

I had a quick look into the code - and it seems that youā€˜ve written most of it in JXA - what I am currently not fully able to understand because my knowledge of this language is just a few basics ā€¦

I hope Iā€™ve given you a good starting point where you would have to look at in your code ā€¦ itā€™s just what I think that it is what I see when I use the macro and what I am thinking that there is the elephant in the room - based on my knowledge of programming Automations and how I am able to interpret issuesā€¦

Have a great day

Greetings from Germany :de:


OK, cool, thanks for the explanation. I think I understand what you were saying a little better.

As for debugging this problem, fortunately, it doesn't appear to have anything to do with JXA code. So regular KM-style sleuthing is all that's required.

Unless I'm mistake, there's only one place that tries to select the macros column:

I think it only happens when you've added a new Separator. So if you don't solve the problem, you can always add separators by hand - just copy and paste an existing separator.

If you want to try to solve the problem, try something like adding an action to activate KM before the action that I marked with the red arrow.

If that doesn't work, try whatever you think might help.

Good luck!

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Hey Dan (@DanThomas):wave:

Youā€™re welcomeā€¦ I am always trying my best giving you the information that you need to know about but it it can be a hassle sometimes - even though I am still quite good in English since Iā€™m using it for communication only in situations like this one and for anything thatā€™s programming related stuffā€¦. - and all without any help from automation tools and or translators ā€¦


WTH ?! How could I missed that ?! :man_facepalming:

Iā€˜ll look at it - maybe I can fix that ā€¦ weā€™ll seeā€¦ I am very happy to have a place to start from - thanks for the image ā€¦

Maybe ā€¦ I donā€™t know really whatā€™s going on ā€¦

I will fix it based on you suggestions first and look forward that it will be fixed ā€¦ fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

Iā€™m definitely coming back for reportingā€¦

Have a great Sundayā€¦

Greetings from Germany :de:


I realized that I was misunderstanding you because of some language issues. But hey - I only speak one language, so you're way ahead of me!

I'm guessing, with your knowledge of KM, you can figure out what is going on. Sometimes we get intimidated by someone else's code, but the truth is, it's just a bunch of KM actions. Of course, the JXA would be confusing, but fortunately, that's not where the problem lies.

Good luck!