"Move a Window": Calculating Thirds

I'm trying to create a set of macros for window management that will move and resize the front window to my choice of Left 1/3: Top 1/3, Center 1/3, or Bottom 1/3, and similar for Center 1/3, and Right 1/3.

I managed to create the macros to move and resize to the Top-Left 1/3, Center-Left 1/3, and Bottom-Left 1/3, but I can't figure out how to create the ones for the Center/Middle and Right sides.

Below is my action to move a window to the left-center 1/3.

Any advice is appreciated!

Hey Tom,

Take a look at the built-in options for ideas:


If you're still stuck holler.



Macro Set to Move and Resize Windows into Thirds on a Screen

Thanks, this is exactly what I needed!

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