My Own Transcription Service

Hi Thanks so much Tom for your help. This is making it worthwhile for me to purchase KM. I don’t know if you work for KM, but they should be paying you that is sure! :moneybag:

Glad to hear that you are happy with your macro. And no, I don’t work for KM!

@Tom, thanks for sharing all of your hard work here. Looks like you have developed quite a tool.

There a number of folks over in the Evernote forum that have been looking for a solution like this for a long time. I posted a link in the EN forum to your post above where you published the macro.

If you make any further updates to your macro, could you please:

  • Add a date and version# to the post so we know it's been updated
  • Add a new reply to this thread announcing/notifying us of the update (that way we will get an email notification).

Thanks again.

Please note that the final/current/working version of the macro is not in my hands. Since I don’t have the Dragon transcription software on my Mac I could only write and test the parts around Dragon (TextEdit and import of text and audio attachment to Evernote).

The Dragon part is still brute-force (to use your words) and it’s quite possible that @David_Landes will have to tune it. But I’m sure he will post an update here.

Thanks for linking this in another forum. This certainly increases the chances to find a Dragon user who can contribute a proper AppleScript for the Dragon part :wink:

@JMichaelTX Excellent idea to post the link in the Evernote Forum. Would be awesome if anyone comes up with a completely scripted version. For now, the macro uses the GUI of Dragon to start the transcription process.

Here is the latest version. I struggle a bit with having to re-check the mouse coordinates everytime I quit and restart Dragon (I use a laptop and hook it up to a larger screen at the office)

Transcription Service.kmmacros (14.8 KB)

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You have seen that you can choose the reference point for the coordinates? (e.g. top left window corner instead of screen corner, etc.)

Furthermore you can put the mouse action into a “If Then Else” action. For example if you use another network location setting in the office you can make the mouse coordinates dependent of that condition. Or: if a certain volume is mounted, if the computer is connected to certain WLAN, etc. Even free-style testing via script is possible.

I’m sure you find a unique condition that lets it determine if you’re in the office or not.

Sound like a good idea. I’ll look into it.

I have been working with this for a while now, moved the script onto a headless mac mini, so it could ideally do all this transcribing without me noticing. Also, that way my idea was I wouldn’t be interfering with any of the mouse clicks etc.
But it still remains to be a hit-and-miss experience.
After I upload an mp3 file from dropbox, and later check on Evernote if the transcribed document is there it often isn’t. Sometimes it won’t start the transcription in Dragon at all. Other times, it finished the transcription, opened the textEdit file and is stuck there. Every once in a while I end up with an Evernote note with the transcription, but most times the mp3 file isn’t attached.
If anyone comes up with a more stable way to make this happen, please please let me know!

Hi David

The more stable way would be the AppleScript way we already started to go (see some posts above). I can’t help you very much here when it comes directly to Dragon since I don’t have the software. But I’m sure it’s worth investing the time finding out how it goes. Each “brute-force” step you replace with an AppleScript step is likely to increase the reliability of the macro.

Also keep in mind the mentioned Evernote bug. You commented out the workaround because you didn’t have the bug. Make sure that this is still true. (On my installation I didn’t see the bug with every run, just sometimes.)