I like to do things fast and without too many steps and I'm constantly taking notes. I don't always have my Notes app open so when I don't and I want to create a new note, I would like to just use a shortcut to show me a text field where I can type in the text, hit Send and it automatically sends that note to the Notes app, as a new note inside the default "Notes" folder.
You can do this but not in the background without first converting the text to HTML. I'm not sure how to do that, so if you don't mind showing the Notes app, we can knock something together.
I still haven't done my research when it comes to the named clipboards, so I don't know how they work.
I found this other macro that can be, at least, a little help in case my request for the Notes app isn't possible at all:
With some modifications, it can be better than opening the Notes app and all that. The only thing is that I then have to copy the notes manually, but at least I can do that when the time comes, instead of doing it when I'm having the idea for the note
No no. I’m saying that it isn’t possible to create a new note without opening the application as part of the macro. If you want to create a new note in the background, you’ll need someone more experienced than I am to try writing directly to the notes folder.
Not a problem per se. I just like to only have the apps open if I'm using them. It's an OCD thing, I guess...
But even if that wasn't an issue, if I'm working on a certain app and I want to just register an idea, I don't want to leave that app, go to Notes, click the Notes folder, create new Note, type in, go back to the original app.
I just want to hit the shortcut > type > click OK to save and close the window. Back to work!
If this is not possible at all, then I will stick to that macro I shared:
The only thing that's bothering me a little bit is the one-line text field. Do you think there's a way to have a multiple line text area?