Is it possible to easily show a palette with all KM macros for a certain Group (in my case typically organised by application)?
Thanks --Mike
Is it possible to easily show a palette with all KM macros for a certain Group (in my case typically organised by application)?
Thanks --Mike
I understand the correct @Michiel… a palette ( and there then contain all macros for compose, trash, attachments etc?
No, I was possibly not clear enough.
Have a look at this screenshot:
You can see a bunch of macros I've created for Filemaker. Possibly, when using Filemaker, I may not remember what the shortcut was for a certain KM macro. So I'd like to create a macro that will show me this list, with the shortcuts next to it, for all macros in a certain group.
Can I do this easily?
Thanks & cheers --Mike
See if this will work for you.
Use the "Trigger by Name" Action in a macro.
When you trigger this macro, it will show a list of all macros active and enabled .
If you type "g:<GroupName>
" then it will filter the list for that group.
For example, I typed "g:out" to filter for my Outlook group:
Note that if the macro name to too long, the hotkey trigger may not be shown.
But, you can continue to type to further filter the list:
Hello Michael,
Thanks for this tip, finally came round trying this. Works nicely, but I can’t pass it any parameters unfortunately (e.g. “g:preview” - show all Preview shortcuts). Also strangely enough, I can’t let KM type text into it, even with a 1.5 second delay… No way to further automate this? Or is there a palette alternative to display the KM shortcuts for a specific group?
Thanks & cheers --Mike
You might find this macro by @DanThomas more flexible:
MACRO: Execute Macro by Name (Spotlight)
However, I'm not sure if it supports the filters (like "g:") that the native KM Trigger by Name does. You might need to ask Dan.
I just ran into this problem myself trying to remember some infrequently used shortcuts.
My solution was to duplicate Preview Group (Cmd-D) and turn it into a palette activated by a Hot Key.
That displays the list (you can include a display of the triggers too) and lets you select from it with the house.
Which is all I really needed to remember what shortcuts I’ve created.
Instead of duplicating, or making "aliases" for macros, you can use this technique to show a palette for a macro group and still keep all of the macros active all the time:
###MACRO: @Palette Show/Hide Palette for @FrontMost App
Neat! I like that because it avoids duplicating the shortcut macros.
But because these are text expansions, I have a lot of applications in which I want to use my shortcuts so adding an Otherwise application for resembles work.
Instead, I swapped the test around so that the If statement tests a string of all my applications (eg. “TextWrangler Atom BBEdit Finder Postbox InDesign TextEdit Safari”) and the Contains box looks at “%Application%1%” – and that works nicely with just the one If statement for everything.
If you have only one Macro Group you want to show the palette for for all apps, then that should work fine. In my case, I have a different Macro Group for each app (in most cases), so I need a Switch based on App Name.
If I have a common Macro Group that I want to use for multiple apps, I simply have a macro in the main App group that shows a palette for one action from that common group.
I like that solution most of all.