Problem with timed actions

I doubt that is the issue. The timers are all there, all being handled properly.

The problem is simply that Keyboard Maestro calculates the time until the next trigger fires, and then the system fires the timer many hours late. Which seems to indicate that the notification for the wake is not happening, and thus Keyboard Maestro is not aware of the lost time, and thus never resets the time until the next timer. When that time eventually elapses, it fires all the timers that are due.

I will investigate the sleep notification system.

If you add a Sleep/Wake trigger, do they fire?

If you add a Sleep/Wake trigger, do they fire?

Do you mean in KM or in Sys-prefs ?


I mean in Keyboard Maestro.

If you make a Wake trigger, does it trigger when you wake your Mac?

Make a macro, set the Wake trigger, and add a Log action, and then we can see if that is firing.

Hi Peter,

In a couple of days I’ll do this, because then better opportunity…

With best regards,
/ Omar

Hi and good day,

Now I set a new timed voice alarm and it works perfectly, don’t know about the rest yet.

with best regards,
Omar KN
Stockholm, Sweden

Hi and good day,

Re: ” timed triggers activate at other times than at for the time which were set.:”

This misfit was regarding my voice triggers, at set times, but now also Mail:

Recently I set Mail to open at various times and also at 21:30.

But tonight it opened at 22:56 and at the same time 1 or 2 voice triggers were heard as well.

The Mac was awake and being used
The Keyboard Maestro editor active but not open.
I had not opened the editor at all today.

In the console I don’t find anything about Mail starting up - strange, only this:

20180505 22:56:30,296[32249]: 22:56:30.296 WARNING: 140: This application, or a library it uses, is using the deprecated Carbon Component Manager for hosting Audio Units. Support for this will be removed in a future release. Also, this makes the host incompatible with version 3 audio units. Please transition to the API’s in AudioComponent.h.

For further attention…

with best regards,
Omar KN
Stockholm, Sweden

Hey Omar,

That's quite impossible — the Keyboard Maestro Editor cannot be active unless it is open.

On the other hand the Keyboard Maestro Engine can be active when the Editor is not open.

You looked in the Console?

What log?

Did you look in the Keyboard Maestro Engine Log?

Open the Keyboard Maestro Engine Log in the Console or BBEdit

As far as I know Keyboard Maestro doesn't have such a thing as a voice trigger, so can you be more specific?


Right on - to be more specific:

These are the first few lines from the KM engine log, here starting at 22:16.

Mail should have been opened at 21:30 but was opened only at 22:16 - see line with *** 3 stars below


  • the Mac was not in Sleep mode, but active.

2018-05-12 21:23:15 Execute macro “Paste01” from trigger The Hot Key F6 is pressed
2018-05-12 21:32:27 Running application query took a while (4342 us)
2018-05-12 21:37:32 Running application query took a while (4963 us)
2018-05-12 21:37:32 Running application query took a while (3303 us)
2018-05-12 21:44:34 Running application query took a while (3560 us)
2018-05-12 21:44:48 Running application query took a while (5545 us)
2018-05-12 22:16:49 TTimeTriggerManager::HandleTimerEvent at 547849009.357674 [206194.177629] (0)
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Lowest Time is 21:30:00
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Lowest Time is 21:30:00
2018-05-12 22:16:49 HandleTimerEvent reset timer at 547849009.357892, lowest time is 547846200, time remaining is -2809.357931
2018-05-12 22:16:49 ResetDelayUntilNextFire at 547849009.357941 [206194.177896] (0)
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Lowest Time is 21:30:00
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Lowest Time is 21:30:00
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Lowest Time is 21:30:00
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Lowest Time is 21:30:00
2018-05-12 22:16:49 ResetDelayUntilNextFire at 547849009.357966, lowest time is 547846200, time remaining is -2809.357981, delay -> 0.000000
2018-05-12 22:16:49 TTimeTriggerManager::HandleTimerEvent at 547849009.368147 [206194.188101] (0)
2018-05-12 22:16:49 HandleTimerEvent at 547849009.368171 perform actions
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Lowest Time is 21:30:00
2018-05-12 22:16:49 GetLowest returns time 21:30:00 and 1 triggers
***2018-05-12 22:16:49 Trigger: At 21:30 every day
2018-05-12 22:16:49 After 22:16:39
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Execute macro “Open Mail app @times & close” from trigger At 21:30 every day
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Fire trigger At 21:30 every day
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Remove: At 21:30 every day
2018-05-12 22:16:49 Dump 17 (17) triggers
2018-05-12 22:16:49 21:50:00 -> At 21:50 every day
2018-05-12 22:16:49 22:31:00 -> At 22:31 every day
2018-05-12 22:16:49 22:47:00 -> At 22:47 every day

Keyboard Maestro doesn't have such a thing as a voice trigger

That was the short version of Timed Triggers With Spoken Text :slight_smile:

The problem started with those Timed Triggers, now recently the delayed timed trigger affected (as I set it recently to open at specific times and close some minutes later - to reduce distraction.)

with best regards,
Omar KN
Stockholm, Sweden

I need some of the log from before this. Clearly something has gone wrong by this point, because it is deciding that the lowest time to fire is 21:30, but then deciding to fire it -2809 seconds from now and triggering it. But why didn't it trigger at 21:30 in the first place, and to know that, I need to see the TTimeTriggerManager::HandleTimerEvent log entries that preceded this.

The best bet is to send the whole Engine.log file to

Hi and good day,

This problem - I don't have it any more so it seems.

Recently upgraded to High Sierra and also lesser amount of those timed triggers over all in my system.


with best regards,

Omar KN

Stockholm, Sweden