Prompt For User Input with a Double Return at End

I would like to add more space between the final text in the user input and the end of the since it shows up too close.

What I have tried:

  1. In AppleScript I would use "& return & return &" but that doesn't seem to work.
  2. Entering in a return.
  3. %20% and space shows nothing and keeps the last line low without the return.

I read through the Wiki again but didn't see anything addressing how to do this for user text.

Updated Image:

I have wanted more space there, too, so I"m interested.

On the screen shots above, would you please show exactly where you want to add space.
A red arrow, or something.

Thank you.

(PS - Check your spelling, too.)

Oops I just did a green arrow, I hope that works too. I had the second image with the period in there to show where I wanted the space but the arrow is much better, thanks.

Thanks added an n to "return" unless there is something else I am still missing.

Is space like this what you have in mind, or not?


I always appreciate when someone takes time to correct my spelling errors.
So I assume you want to know:

  1. "For you last pomodoro" should be, "For your last pomodoro'.

  2. I don't know if Pomodoro is a proper name, or not.
    If so, then initial capital everywhere, Pomodoro, yes?

Yep, it appears that you need to add some character, like a period, in the "blank" line to force the line to show:

That's good thanks, I just typed that up really quick and yes thanks for correcting the error before I duplicate to several different commands. I make that mistake all the time of typing you when I mean your. Pomodoro is now capitlaize, thanks for going the extra mile and helping out elsewhere too.

Okay thanks for confirming, maybe Peter knows of a workaround, not a huge deal otherwise.

[quote="skillet, post:6, topic:5782"]
I make that mistake all the time of typing you when I mean your. [/quote]

So that would be a useful, global macro.
Anytime you type "you", KM will pop up a user input prompt with two buttons:

[ you ]

[ your ]


Another global macro for your KM toolbox.
Just type "pom"+space" and let KM expand it to "Pomodoro", complete with correct capitalization.

You're welcome.

(Side note: In a private message from someone else here, I received some "flak" for pointing out spelling mistakes in the macro action above. So, I'm very pleased, @skillet, that you found it helpful.)

Good idea, I should add that to TextExpander where I keep all of those types of things.

Awe shucks, thanks for telling me, I feel loved in more ways than one. A lot of nice people on this forum without question.

I didn’t read this entire thread, but if you still want to get that extra blank line at the end, I’d suggest finding a character that displays as a space (often referred to as an “unprintable” character), and put it in the line at the end. I used to do this in Windows sometimes, and I would imagine you could find a Mac character that would work.

Great tip, Dan. This usually works, but I couldn't make it work using the usually reliable OPTION-SPACE. KM seems to be stripping all lines that have only a space (of any kind).

But maybe there is another non-printing/non-displaying character that will work.

The prompt string is trimmed of every character in whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet so I doubt you’ll find any white space that you can use to trick it in to leaving white space at the end. So you’re stuck with including some tiny character on the last line (a full stop would probably be about the best).

If you want more control of the layout, the only option is a Custom HTML Prompt action.

As far as correcting people, I would ask:

  • Please don’t correct people’s spelling unless they ask or you know in advance that they appreciate it. I’m glad @skillet appreciates it, but some people wont, especially those struggling with English as a Second Language perhaps already feeling intimidated.
  • Please don’t correct people correcting people’s spelling. I’m not sure who gave Mark “flak” over it, but if you have a problem with someone’s post, please contact me directly. If it was a moderator, then hopefully they were just reiterating the concept behind the first part of this.
  • Please don’t correct people generally on things unrelated to the question at hand. By all means explain misconceptions or incorrect understanding of Keyboard Maestro or whatever.
  • If you’d like your spelling corrected, you are most welcome to include a note or let people know.

I hope that is clear - people should feel free to communicate as best they can without fear of anything other than the best help they can get for their problem. This is far more words than the concept merits, I would not even have bothered posting except I also had to answer the question at hand!

Thanks everyone.


[quote=“peternlewis, post:11, topic:5782”]
Please don’t correct people’s spelling unless they ask or you know in advance that they appreciate it. I’m glad @skillet appreciates it, but some people wont, especially those struggling with English as a Second Language perhaps already feeling intimidated. [/quote]

Peter -

I don’t agree with any of that.
You made it a public issue with my name on it, so I am replying in public.
Yes, the “flak” was from a moderator, and I’m certain you know that.

Peter, normally, you write briefly.
But on this silliness you posted four bullet points plus a summary paragraph.
I’m equally certain that moderator wrote it, not you.
Tempest in a tiny teapot.

I am currently struggling to learn a foreign language, so that angle won’t work with me, either.

Ban me from your forum?
The value here is reading thru topics old and new.
And that’s open to the public.

I’m not interested in beating this dead horse.

I will discuss this with Mark, there is no further need of discussion on this subject. My rules on the forum behaviour stand as I posted them.

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