This is probably quite simple to do, but my knowledge in these things is very patchy...
I have a folder with files that all have names of the structure "UID Title", UID is a 12-digit ID that is different/unique for each file in the folder. I need a macro that as one of its steps changes the "Title" part of the file with a certain UID in its name to a string it gets from previous steps. Is it possible to use the "Move or Rename a File" action to do this without knowing the complete name of the file that is supposed to be renamed – only the UID? Or do I have to use the "For Each Path in Folder" action to change "all" the paths that contain the UID – although I already know that it's just one?
Sorry, I thought my info was clear enough and an example wasn't necessary – but given the few reactions you seem to be right
Below is a minimal example. The UID is copied from the selection when the macro is triggered (e.g. by a hot key trigger) – assume that the variable %newName% is taken care of elsewhere. I want to know whether there is a way to fill the first field in the "Move or Rename File" action without knowing the second part of the file name. I tried just putting the * character behind the UID to signal that (because I vaguely remembered that I had seen something similar to that work in other apps/contexts), but that didn't work.
Oh, sorry. An example for a file name would be "202009031114 [DEF] Organic". All the file names in the folder are similar, some also have a component like "#SmithA" behind the UID.
Is that enough for you to work with?