Shopify Add product Title field

Hello All,

How do I select the Add product Title field in Safari. Below is the code.

Please note the "PolarisTextField##" change with each new post.


<div class=""><div class="_1-WOV"><div class="V_bPx"><label id="PolarisTextField10Label" for="PolarisTextField10" class="_3IQ8y">Title</label></div></div><div class="_2o3Ns"><div class="_2WAez _MAgv"><div class="_3GizD"><input name="title" id="PolarisTextField10" placeholder="Short sleeve t-shirt" class="glbr9" min="-Infinity" max="Infinity" step="1" aria-invalid="false" value=""><div class="yfPJo"></div></div></div></div></div>

there's no code

Thank sorry forget to remove the beginning and end to show the code.

the code is up. please help thank you.

The screenshot is helpful, but it would be best if you can post the actual HTML code shown in the screenshot. This would allow us to test the proposed solution. You can post the HTML code in a Code Block, with a language of "html"