An alternative would be a Siri shortcut in conjunction with the iOS App Launcher@cherry:
here I open the app Cryptomator on my Mac, log in and the corresponding Finder window is opened
You can set up the icons individually. You can also (for 6,- € per version) create as many launcher by themes as you like. Folders inside the launcher are also possible.
You can start any KM macro from your iPhone. Of course you can start any Siri shortcut without a touch on the iPhone via "Hey Siri". Another advantage would be
If you need help with the SSH script in the Siri shortcut @cherry, please contact me.
In my example, it assumed that you were connected to the iPhone & Mac in the same Wifi/Hotspot. You can also trigger KM macros via a Siri - Cloud - shortcut.
Here's an example of how I unlock my Mac's via Touch or Hey Siri:
I too am very interested in StreamDeck now that KM 9 supports it. Problem is that my combo keys are not working. These combo keys would eventually be a StreamDeck key.
But sadly, I can not even get it to work in a Global Palette (and my KM is super simple!)
Tried the mobile version, for me having an iPhone turned sidesways, and plugged in all the time and not seated as well as the StreamDeck, for me, it was too much cognitive overload.
If I get this combo key working then I will probably go the hardware StreamDeck route.
Well, I bought the 6-key and then the 15-key. I found the 6 very cramped but my blog post detailed how I worked round that. The 15 doesn’t feel cramped but I could do with some "organising space"...
... I’ve heard the 32 is less well built, which puts me off (as does the price).
They said two 15 keys will work on the same machine and the keys for each can be mapped to different actions. Have not tried but good to know. Maybe I need one for my left hand now
(the current is above my mouse and I am right handed.)
There are a lot of notes from them, basically they both have to be plugged into the Mac itself. seems these things eat up the USB bus so they need to be direct connected.
I haven't seen the 15-key in person, but the 32-key seems solid enough to me,
The only part I don't like is that the unit is in two pieces - 1) the screen and 2) the stand. On the desk, they fit together fine, but if you carry it anywhere, you have to be aware of both pieces.
15 also is two pieces - the stand and the device itself.
I found a pouch from somewhere else to put both pieces in for when I travel. I don’t think Elgato thought through that aspect, but this is a minor criticism.
El Gato just updated their Stream Deck software to allow a button on one stream deck to switch the profile on a second one!
So I bought a 32 key Streak Deck XL today and tried pressing a key from my 15 key Stream Deck and..... its like that scene in 2001 a space odyssey.... 32 keys.. + the leftover keys on my 15 Keyes PER PROFILE...
So remember how I mentioned that StreamDeck now allows for two decks on one Mac?
And that you can call profiles from one to the other...
Well I had a 15key and a 32key. So I would call up the Xcode profile from the 15 and I would get 32 wonderful keys of shortcuts on the 32key.
Until I ran out of room on the 32key, saw the El gato Black Friday special and bought another 32key and sent my 15key to my MacBook.
So pressing on the Xcode button in the right one will open up the Xcode profile on the 32keys on left, AND switch to the Xcode profile on the right 32key resulting in 63 (1 to go back to default profile) of Xcode shortcuts.
I never would have thought I would get so addicted to StreamDecks, but I suffer from hot key fatigue. I can't remember squat anymore. is it command control F14 to do X is is command shit 9 to do that?
Who knows, who cares, now all my hot keys are on the two stream decks above my keyboard and I could not be happier.
For those that have not considered a Stream Deck, especially programmers, you need to check out how much more productive a stream deck and keyboard maestro can make you.
Do you mean that 1 key in the 15key will call a 32key profile and then pressing another key in the 15key to call up another set of 32key? That means, you essentially have 15*32 = 480 keys!
Or 15 applications, each application has 32 other keys! OMG!
Right XL, I press a button called "Xcode" that opens the "Xcode profile" on left XL = 32 keys just for Xcode on left. right keys remain "general" short cut keys.
Option 2:
Right XL, I press a button called "Xcode" that opens the "Xcode profile" on left XL = 32 keys just for Xcode on left + the right Xcode button opens an "Xcode" profile with a different set of shortcuts on the right panel replacing my "general" shortcuts on right. = 63 total keys for Xcode. But I always leave one key as a "go back" to default/general "profile
Yup. I know El gato made these things for video and youtubers but every programmer out there. (i am a dev) should look into how these things can improve their productivity even more.
Cause... trying to remember all the possible shortcuts is just not doable any more, to say nothing of hot key combos running out unless you use command shift option control page up page down F1 F2 F3 "J"
Sounds good. But a six for me would not be enough because now I am doing profiles that also include ancillary apps that are part of a particular flow.
I created a "SublimeTextEditor" profile, and even though I have not filled up 32 keys yet, I have included some keys that launch and reload my Rest App, and brings up terminal and thanks to KM, brings up terminal and runs some command Line stuff in the command line of it to save me time.
its crazy how much one can optimize.
If they supported 3 stream decks on the USB bus I would buy another XL.