Support email wizard macro

Hi, I'm Cesare!

First post for me here, hopefully I won't make too many mistakes.

I'm a solo developer and I try to provide decent support, and sometimes my support emails need to become quite long. So, yesterday I decided to take the most common sentences I use and create a KM macro that allows me to select them from lists, and finally compose a draft to revise and personalize manually.

I think it's a text expansion macro that can be useful, and has been recommended to me to share it in this forum, so here it is:

SUPPORT _g2 - Support email wizard.kmmacros (6.0 KB)

Please, use it as you please (maybe changing the actual copy a little).

A suggestion: I find it easier to actually prepare the | separated strings in a text editor and paste them inside Keyboard Maestro when they are ready.



Welcome to the Keyboard Maestro Forum. You did very well.

Your macro looks very useful. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure others will benefit.

One suggestion: Your current macro results in a lot of blank lines if you choose the blank entry for a given variable. If you replace your last Insert Text with the below, the blank lines will be removed. Where ever you actually want a blank line, just enter "\n" at the beginning of the line in your Prompt, like this:
\nThank you for your patience, I’m here if you need anything else.


One suggestion: Your current macro results in a lot of blank lines if you choose the blank entry for a given variable. If you replace your last Insert Text with the below, the blank lines will be removed.

Thank you, this is a great advice! Here's the updated macro:
SUPPORT _g2 - Support email wizard.kmmacros (6,6 KB)


A post was split to a new topic: MACRO: Convert Markdown to PDF File with Prompt for Parameters