@ncbasic I've spent some time with a Stream Deck and Logic Pro, and can heartily recommend it as a combo. For me, it means ultimate flexibility and never having to remember a hotkey again!
Firstly, here's a video of what I'm blathering on about:
[nOb Control + Stream Deck = ]
If you like the idea of controlling Logic plugin parameters with a Stream Deck, this may be of interest to you.
I can think of many uses for this, the most obvious being plugin UI button-pushes (without having to look at the screen). My personal use-case is rather specific: I have pretty bad wrist issues and use a nObcontrol to reduce time spent on the mouse. In combination with generic…
There isn't a megathread on Logic Pro macros, so I thought I'd start one. Here are those of mine which I think might be useful to most people. Please feel free to add your own!
After installing any of these, pay attention to any green actions.
NB: These all work for me, but you may need to tweak them to work with your own setup, depending on screen configuration, software versions, etc. Basic familiarity with KM will be very helpful. I've now upgra…