Using ChatGPT to create Custom HTML Prompts

Continuing the discussion from Styling User Input Prompt?:

Believe it or not, you can use ChatGPT to help create Custom HTML Prompts. I've played around some, and I thought I'd share a brief(?) example. I'll include a link to the "chat" at the bottom.

This example is based off of something I'm working on, and it isn't exactly what I'm using in my project, but it's similar. I was amazed at how all I needed to do was change a few words to get it to generate this as a straight-up Custom HTML Prompt.

Here's the end result, which isn't finished, but it's a good start:


Be clear in what you want, but don't be afraid to mess around

I started by having a pretty good idea of what I wanted. I composed my message offline, repeatedly modifying it until I thought it was concise and unambiguous.

Turns out this was probably overkill, because I quickly learned that I could have gotten here just by telling ChatGPT to change things along the way, but it is what it is.

Step 1

Here's what I started with:

Generate a Keyboard Maestro Custom Html Prompt that includes a radio button group titled "RANGE" with radio buttons for "Group" and "Macro". The dialog should include a checkbox group titled "TARGETS" with checkboxes for "Macro Icon", "Images", "Comments", "Custom HTML Prompts", "JXA Scripts", "AppleScripts", "Shell Script" and a button to select/unselect all. The dialog should include a radio button group titled "EXISTING RESOURCES" with radio buttons for "Overwrite", "Ask", "Skip". The dialog should have "Cancel" and "OK" buttons at the bottom in standard Mac order.

Again, I'll include a link to the entire chat at the bottom.

I copied the result, and pasted it into a Custom HTML Prompt with the "Resizable" option in the "gear" menu selected. Here's what I got, after I resized the window:

Click to view


Step 2

So I said:

put each group in a div with a border, and have the title be over the upper-left corner of the div.

Click to view


Step 3

I wanted to get the prompt to be sized better, so I tried this:

set the size of the prompt to 500 by 500, centered on the screen.

but I didn't like the result, so I undid it:

undo that

Step 4

I went to the KM Wiki and copied some text, and said this:

add this attribute to ther body: data-kmwindow="SCREEN(Main,Left,20%),SCREEN(Main,Top,20%),420,560"

And yes, I had a typo, but it didn't matter. Here's what I got:

Click to view


Close enough.

Step 5

order the "targets" vertically

Click to view




Here's a link to the chat:

There's still work to be done (which I won't be doing), but I hope this inspires some of you to give this a try.

If you use the free version of ChatGPT, and ask a lot of questions, it won't be long before they drop you to the slower version, which probably isn't a problem. Personally, I decided to pay $20 for this month, because I wanted a lot of help with what I'm working on. But I'll cancel it when I'm done.

Happy chatting!


I used Chat GPT to make that custom Prompt With List macro and a few other things too. Then @alltiagocom turned me on to Claude and I never looked back. No doubt you've encountered the same frustrations with ChatGPT where it forgets the parameters of the task in hand, which seems far less the case with Claude. Give it a shot and see if you agree.

I looked at Claude, but it didn't seem compelling. Since I'm new to this whole AI thing, I'm still learning the possibilities.

Perhaps I'll check out Claude again, but probably not today. :slight_smile:

I was switching between Claude and ChatGPT for help writing a Python script to parse the Mail sqlite database. ChatGPT never came up with a fully functional solution, and actually told me it was giving up at some point.

Claude, on the other hand, kept giving me new versions of the script with different debugging code in each. One version output all the tables from the Mail database. Another looked at the structure of the returned URLs.

In the end, I got a working script that I tied to KM. When run, I'm prompted for two dates, and the script returns a message count for each date within a specified set of mailboxes. It works incredibly well, and while I might've eventually gotten there myself, it would have taken the better part of a week's worth of my futzing about.

They may not be truly intelligent, but for certain tasks, the LLMs can be huge timesavers.
