I have owned Keyboard Maestro for years, and It is high time I learn this amazing app!
I would love some advice on some resources you might recommend (videos especially) as well as some best practices or "essentials" to the app that would for sure want new users to know right off the bat.
Thanks so much!
August 9, 2018, 9:26pm
That are some links I can highly recommend - I worked through that - and still am - it helped so much
Best Macro List
UPDATED: 2021/09/23 13:41 CDT
The intent is for this to be a list of the best macros, as determined by you guys, the users of Keyboard Maestro.
I have set this topic/post as a "wiki", which means anyone can edit it. Of course, we would ask you to consider carefully before you make a change.
See related topic:
Best Examples of Keyboard Maestro Macros
To edit a "wiki" post, just click on the "wiki edit icon" [image] in the top right of the post.
Macros are sorted first by …
Thanks @John !
Much appreciated. Look forward to digging in. Thanks for getting me started.
August 11, 2018, 12:22pm
I got a lot out of this set of KM tutorials from this Youtube playlist.
August 11, 2018, 3:04pm
This is great for the absolute beginners! I watch it all when I startet and it helped a lot
Hey Guys,
Those vids aren't bad at all, but in my opinion Ez Buttons begins with one serious mistake.
He recommends that you delete all the macros that come with Keyboard Maestro.
Keyboard Maestro is very complex, and it's a good idea to deconstruct existing macros when you're first learning how to use it.
So – I recommend that you disable Keyboard Maestro's stock macros – and then carefully look at them for clues about what Keyboard Maestro can do.
If you like any given macro you can reenable it and change the trigger to suit yourself (if desired).
In the process you'll learn a lot.
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I know that this is an old thread, but David Sparks just released an amazing course on Keyboard Maestro. I am sure it has already been mentioned here, but I thought it was relevant to this thread.
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