Call for Your Best Macros
Hey all you great Macro builders,
If you have any Macros that you believe are really good, and would be of interest to others, please EDIT the following topic, and add a link your Macros there. All of your Macros should first be uploaded to the Macro Library.
Best Macro List
This topic is a special "wiki" topic which permits anyone to edit the top, original post, just by clicking on the wiki edit button at the top right of the topic.
Of course you need to first make sure your Macro runs properly, and is free of bugs to the best of your knowledge. It is best to provide a Comment Action at the top of the Macro explaining what it does, and how to use it.
If you don't have a Comment action template, you are welcome to use, and modify as you like, my template:
ReleaseNotes Comment Action Template.kmactions
Please follow the existing format of the topic. If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to add a post there.
In the future, as you upload more great Macros, please add them to the Best Macro List .
Many thanks for contributing your macros for others to use.