Hi there! I have a macro I'm trying to create to look up and display a few status messages. The behavior I need is something like:
- Go to a link
- Set a variable to the text at /html/body/div[5]/table[1]/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]
- Click on the link at /html/body/div[5]/table[1]/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/a
- Set variable to to the text at /html/body/div[4]/table/tbody/tr[6]/td[2]
- Click on the link with the title "Storage"
- Set a variable to the text at /html/body/div[4]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[3]
- Display a window with the text stored within each variable.
Is this possible? I was expecting to find a Google Chrome Control action called "set variable to xpath" or something similar, but I haven't been able to.