Facing KM-Problems using macOS HighSierra 10.13.6

I really doubt that KM 9.05 is the cause of the issue here, but one can't really diagnose a general problem statement. It is good background to have, but we need specifics to work with.

So I'd suggest this:

  1. It is most likely due to HS permissions, security, and/or accessibility issues. So start with a careful review of this, even though it is not HS specific:
  2. Pick the macro which most consistently fails/crashes and provide us with details:
    1. upload your macro
    2. Detailed steps to reproduce the problem
    3. Screenshot when it crashes
    4. If KM crashes, then be sure to complete the KM crash report.
    5. KM Engine Log entries when it fails. Maybe this macro will help:
    • If the macro won't run, maybe you can use one of the scripts to export the KM log

Finally, may I ask why you can't upgrade to Mojave?
I've been running Mojave for over a year now with no issues.

P.S. The above macro may help, maybe it is simpler if I just give you the AppleScript to export the last 100 lines from the KM Engine log:

property ptyScriptName : "Open Last N KM Log Lines in BBEdit"
property ptyScriptVer : "1.0"
property ptyScriptDate : "2020-05-24"
property ptyScriptAuthor : "JMichaelTX"

set numLogLines to "100"

set cmdStr to "tail -r -n " & numLogLines & " ~/\"Library/Logs/Keyboard Maestro/Engine.log\""
set logListStr to do shell script cmdStr

tell application "BBEdit"
  set oDoc to make new text window with properties {contents:logListStr}
  tell oDoc to select insertion point before its text
end tell

You can run this script from Script Editor or Script Debugger.
It creates a new document in BBEdit.
Save that document, zip it, and upload to forum.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.