I really doubt that KM 9.05 is the cause of the issue here, but one can't really diagnose a general problem statement. It is good background to have, but we need specifics to work with.
So I'd suggest this:
- It is most likely due to HS permissions, security, and/or accessibility issues. So start with a careful review of this, even though it is not HS specific:
- Pick the macro which most consistently fails/crashes and provide us with details:
- upload your macro
- Detailed steps to reproduce the problem
- Screenshot when it crashes
- If KM crashes, then be sure to complete the KM crash report.
- KM Engine Log entries when it fails. Maybe this macro will help:
- If the macro won't run, maybe you can use one of the scripts to export the KM log
Finally, may I ask why you can't upgrade to Mojave?
I've been running Mojave for over a year now with no issues.
P.S. The above macro may help, maybe it is simpler if I just give you the AppleScript to export the last 100 lines from the KM Engine log:
property ptyScriptName : "Open Last N KM Log Lines in BBEdit"
property ptyScriptVer : "1.0"
property ptyScriptDate : "2020-05-24"
property ptyScriptAuthor : "JMichaelTX"
set numLogLines to "100"
set cmdStr to "tail -r -n " & numLogLines & " ~/\"Library/Logs/Keyboard Maestro/Engine.log\""
set logListStr to do shell script cmdStr
tell application "BBEdit"
set oDoc to make new text window with properties {contents:logListStr}
tell oDoc to select insertion point before its text
end tell
You can run this script from Script Editor or Script Debugger.
It creates a new document in BBEdit.
Save that document, zip it, and upload to forum.
Good luck, and let us know how it goes.