MACRO: Get List of RegEx Capture Group of Multiple Matches

One way to view KM is like an electronic Lego set. :wink:
The way KM is designed is such that you can combine its various elements (Actions, Tokens, Functions) in an almost infinite number of combinations -- giving you great flexibility.

Of course, the chief challenge with that is how to combine these elements.

There is no silver bullet here, except maybe by examining and analyzing the many Macros in the Forum Macro Library, and especially in one of the topics in that section, Best Macro List .

I can share with you that some elements are harder to understand at first exposure.
Although I have a long history of programming, and fully understand the many different types of programming loops, it took me a while, with some encouragement from others, to fully grasp and know when to use the very powerful KM Action For Each action.

When designing a macro, I knew I needed a loop, but for some reason, the For Each Action would just not pop into my head. It was only have having used it many times that finally I have internalized it.

So, I know I've said this before, but nothing replaces actual doing. :wink:
The Forum is definitely here to help you, but, to be honest, you will learn, and retain more, if you can just keep slugging away at a problem until you resolve it yourself.

OTOH, don't keep beating your head against a brick wall until its bloody and you're ready to quit. The key is in finding the right point at which to ask for help. I've got to say there is much satisfaction in figuring out a solution to the problem yourself.

I don't know how many of you have experienced this, but I, and some of my friends, have noticed that sleeping on a problem will often bring new insights, even solutions, either during the night, or the next morning. Worth trying.

I can tell you this: If you will keep on trying, the day will come when designing a KM Macro, and even writing a RegEx pattern, that it will become almost as natural to you as speaking your own native language. However, I will quickly follow that with the well known adage "Use it or lose it". This doesn't mean you have to spend hours every day writing KM Macros, but finding the time to spend at least a few hours each week should keep you sharp.

Good luck to all!