This forum is one of my guilty pleasures, that I return to, every month or so. Seems like last time I visited - about a month ago or so - there were categories like 'Inspiration' with lots of animated GIF's. Seems like the categories have been pared down, since then...
Reason I ask:
Every now and then there's a post about the difficulty with - and different ways of - categorizing macros, especially when you have a lot. For the last six months or so, I've crawled into my cave and categorized (what I think are) thousands of macros using palettes and Butler.
I was hoping to share some of the features with other people using a short video. (Explaining it verbally would be difficult).
Would that be okay...or no?
A related question: This evening, before posting this post, I was wondering, how many KM macros do I actually have on my computer. Is there a quick and dirty way to insert a formula into All Macros - to determine this - or some such thing? I couldn't find one... and before a creating a time consuming macro with a gazillion typed 'down-arrows,' I figured I'd ask....Thanks!
Your memory is playing tricks on you. There has never been any category like “Inspiration” - the closest would be the Tips & Tutorials category. And there has been no change to categories in quite a long while.
The only issue with videos is size - the forum server has a limited amount of disk space. So generally videos are probably better placed on YouTube or a service like that with a link from the forum (for most things, I'd rather they were hosted on the forum, but videos would rapidly eat up available disk space).
If you select the All Macros group, at the bottom of the macros column it will tell you how many macros you have.
That's a great idea: I'll post a macro in the usual way, the vid on YouTube and a link on the forum - to that YouTube. No worries. Re the total number of macros, turns out, I have somewhere in the 700's - gee whiz, given my exhaustion, I figured I'd have at least 700 gazillion. ...okay, okay, okay - maybe 699 gazillion.
My memory is not playing tricks on me. The problem is that - what I probably thought was a category - like 'Inspiration,' for instance, may have been someone's macro, and not a category. Bottom line - as usual - I'm trying to do many things and I'm missing details. But Inspiration is somewhere on the Forum cuz I was inspired by it!
If you're referring to my reference to Inspiration, I previously mentioned, my memory wasn't playing tricks on me but rather, my time is limited. Turns out, it wasn't a category. It was a post. This one: