Popup with Application Icon / Name and Clipboard History

I keep seeing a popup every time I press cmd+shift+V.

The text is from the clipboard. It appears to be a Clipboard History, but I thought I disabled that (see details below).

Things I've tried:

I disabled the associated macro under the Switcher Group folder in the Editor, but I keep seeing this popup. It's annoying, as the Paste app uses the same shortcut and I'm not even sure what its purpose is. I disabled all macros besides the 2 I created and I still get the popup. Neither of those macros have actions which include details of such a popup.

  • I looked at the following topics (1, 2) but they didn't help:

  • I tried blacklisting the Paste app (doesn't work, get the popup regardless of whether Paste is active or not).

  • I also tried deleting all the Named Clipboard in the Preferences. Also didn't work.

  • Finally, I looked at this help page and disabled all macros under the Switcher Group, but still see this stupid popup.

Can anyone tell me how to disable it?

This is not a Keyboard Maestro window.

Try this:

  • In Keyboard Maestro, select File ➤ Quit Engine to disable Keyboard Maestro macros entirely.
  • In Chrome, press Command-Shift-V. Presumably the window will appear.
  • Restart Keyboard Maestro Engine by selecting File ➤ Launch Engine.

If quitting Keyboard Maestro Engine does make a difference, then presumably there is some macro firing, check the Engine.log file to see which one (Help ➤ Open Logs Folder).

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Thank you very much!

I disabled so many KM things, I thought it was that. It turns out I had a long-ago-installed alternative clipboard manager that I'd forgotten about that was also using that shortcut. All is well now :slight_smile:

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