I am wondering if anyone can help out here.
I have a macro that first asks the user to input a variable between 1-16.
This is followed by an if/then action.
If the user inputs '1' then it runs through a bunch of steps and then quits the script.
If it's a higher number, it keeps going down the list until it reaches that number and then runs from there.
For each of the 16 sections, there are slightly different behaviors which I have scripted but they all share several steps in common.
As it stands, I am repeating those common steps over and over and the script is getting lengthy and slow to edit.
Is there a way to have the common/repeated actions contained in a single action that is called within each loop?
ie. run sub-macro 'common' then continue
I have attached the script.
I do realize that I am going about all of this the long way and there's probably a much more elegant/robust way to write this but I'm just getting the hang of this stuff.
Yes. You can create a new, separate macro that contains the common actions you want to repeat, then use the Execute a Macro action to run those actions at the relevant point(s) in the macro.
@gglick has provided one solution to reuse of common Actions, but I think you could also benefit from using Switch or Case action instead of a bunch of IF/THEN Actions.
Another approach, instead of using Execute Macro, is to place the common Actions before or after the Switch Action, as appropriate.
So logically this post should appear at the top of this topic.
@macsearcher, in the future please do not double-post your questions. Starting a new topic, which you did, is all you need to do.
Hi Peter.
I've had some time to work with this and I've got it working pretty well.
I'm using a lot of your suggestions but still using a lot of my bulky script and I'd like to refine it a lot further but I'm learning a lot in the process.
There is another issue that I'm trying to get my head around.
Essentially, I am hoping to create a sub-macro within my macro that I can call as many times as I like. There are 10 or so actions that are common to every sub section of the script and every time that I want to change one variable, I have to copy and paste those 10 actions to each sub-section.
Can I simply put them in a container and say
run sub-macro A and continue?
I've attached the new script as it stands if you are curious.
I have described it in detail in a new post on the forum.
Thanks again for all of your help.populate layout edit e.kmmacros (770.9 KB)