Hi Guys,
When im checking my logs i get this message Action 14736441 timeout exceeded. Macro “LinkedInAutomationv2” cancelled (while executing Copy to Named Clipboard “ProfileURL”).
Where can i check which Action 14736441 is exactly?
Hi Guys,
When im checking my logs i get this message Action 14736441 timeout exceeded. Macro “LinkedInAutomationv2” cancelled (while executing Copy to Named Clipboard “ProfileURL”).
Where can i check which Action 14736441 is exactly?
All errors are contained in the KM Engine log, which is located at /Users/$USER/Library/Logs/Keyboard Maestro/Engine.log
. However, to easily see only errors (including timeouts etc.), I use the macro I posted below, which originally was based off of one of the handful of similar macros that are posted on the forum, (you can search for “go to failed action” or something to that effect and find some), but which I have modified for my personal use.
Basically it searches the last 1,000 lines of your KM Engine log, presents the last 10 errors in a list, you select one, and it opens the Editor to that action. If there are no errors in the last 1,000 lines in the log, it asks if you want to search through the last 10,000. Try it out and see if it works for you.
Download Macro(s): 01)Failed actions (to share).kmmacros (13 KB)
Try this:
With the KM editor running, choose the menu item View > Select Last Aborted Action and the editor will take you to the action that experienced a problem.
Note - if you have several macros that are failing you should try this after the macro you are most interested in fails, otherwise you may be pointed to a failed action in some other macro.
I don't know how effective this will be with your giant macro but it might be informative to you.
You might also find this thread useful:
which includes a method for searching for an action by its ID.
You can also try the following AppleScript code, to see some details about the macro containing the action with the given ID. I used this to find the action from my collection of more than a thousand macros. Would be nice if there's an easy way to jump to the action given the Action ID from the logs.
tell application "Keyboard Maestro"
properties of first macro whose xml contains "<put Action ID here>"
end tell
There is:
tell application "Keyboard Maestro"
selectAction ${actionID}
end tell
SWEET! It worked for me only when I replaced the entire variable string with the Action Number:
selectAction 15075970
Since you have it as a variable with a value, do you have recommendations for how to easily go about setting that variable's value?
Had a play around with this idea. I know there are macros that do similar things to this, but most of the time all I want is to see the entire error message and go to the failed action.
Yea in my sample I used my default "variable syntax”, but you just need the number there, nothing more. So you don’t need to “set” anything.
Here’s a link to another topic where, like @noisneil, I share my macro to show errors in the log and then jump to the action that errored.
I have a similar macro!
At'll teach me to read the whole thread in future. Great macro!
Reffering to ${actionID}
? That's a new one on me. How does that work?
It has nothing to do with KM, I just use that syntax for personal documentation and tutorials. Probably should have been clearer with my initial post.