Leader Launcher

I was inspired by a different utility (LeaderKey) to re-create the functionality in Keyboard Maestro. Just thought I'd share.

To create:

  • Open Keyboard Maestro Editor
  • Create a new Group, name it "Launchers" or something.
  • Select "Always Active" for the drop down menu, select "Shows a palette for one action when:"
  • Click in box that says "Click" and set a hotkey.
  • Check - Display when Toggled
  • Check - Place palette under mouse
  • Create a macro (we'll set up a launcher for example), name it "Safari"
  • Click "New Trigger" and "Hot Key Trigger"
  • Type "S" in the box
  • Click "Action" and select "Activate a Specific Application"
  • Click "Finder" next to Activate, if Safari is running you can choose it. If not select "Other..." and select Safari.
  • Optional: Select "bring all windows to front" next to "If already at the front:"
  • Create more macros

To use:

  • Press your hotkey, the palette should show up
  • Type S for Safari, or click the word Safari in the palette


  • Experiment with macro types. I use app launchers, URL launchers, window controls, screen lock, etc.
  • You can experiment with the palette theme under the Group page
  • You can create application specific palettes clicking on "Available in all applications." on the Group page. Select one of the other options as appropriate
  • Set up a key to open the Keyboard Maestro editor to make quick changes easy
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Interesting idea. When posting, though, please include the macro and a screenshot. In KM you can go to Files > Share > Keyboard Maestro Forums to do that.

Hi, @scottjl. Thanks for your post.

Here's one way to share your macros:

  1. select all of the macros in the Keyboard Maestro Editor, right-click and select Export x Macros, where x will be the number of macros you have selected.

  2. Optional Step: Using the Finder, navigate to the folder housing the export file and compress it to a zip archive.

  3. In the forum, edit your post.

  4. While editing, from the Finder, drag in the file that was created when you exported the macro (or the zipped version if you compressed it).

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