I was inspired by a different utility (LeaderKey) to re-create the functionality in Keyboard Maestro. Just thought I'd share.
To create:
- Open Keyboard Maestro Editor
- Create a new Group, name it "Launchers" or something.
- Select "Always Active" for the drop down menu, select "Shows a palette for one action when:"
- Click in box that says "Click" and set a hotkey.
- Check - Display when Toggled
- Check - Place palette under mouse
- Create a macro (we'll set up a launcher for example), name it "Safari"
- Click "New Trigger" and "Hot Key Trigger"
- Type "S" in the box
- Click "Action" and select "Activate a Specific Application"
- Click "Finder" next to Activate, if Safari is running you can choose it. If not select "Other..." and select Safari.
- Optional: Select "bring all windows to front" next to "If already at the front:"
- Create more macros
To use:
- Press your hotkey, the palette should show up
- Type S for Safari, or click the word Safari in the palette
- Experiment with macro types. I use app launchers, URL launchers, window controls, screen lock, etc.
- You can experiment with the palette theme under the Group page
- You can create application specific palettes clicking on "Available in all applications." on the Group page. Select one of the other options as appropriate
- Set up a key to open the Keyboard Maestro editor to make quick changes easy