Hello. Be great if someone could help me with this. I can manipulate menus and basic stuff but fail miserably at fancy tricks. Thanks in advance.
I have a stack of mp4 files, all of which happen to contain an 'Authors:' field in More Info (some videos don't; most YouTube processed vids seem to). I want to select the Authors content (in this case 'Budding') and add it and a delineator ∆ [option-j] to the front of the existing file name. I want to process a folder full or know I can drop a stack of them onto a droplet. I can't work out how to submit an image to the forum; hope this is clear. Thanks again…
Authors: Budding
Name & Extension: Twix Bears - Camping.mp4
Name & Extension: Budding ∆ Twix Bears - Camping.mp4