Final Cut Pro Import


Welcome to Keyboard Maestro (KM) and its Forum.
KM is one of the best Mac automation tools available, its Forum is one of the best and friendliest forums on the Internet. Whenever you reach a tough stumbling block trying to use KM, please feel free to post your question/problem here for help.

There's more info below, but to get directly to answering your question, here are my thoughts:

Finally, Keyboard Maestro does have a free, fully-functional trial version you can use to checkout your own stuff as well as macros written by others and posted here.

Please feel free to post any follow-up questions you may have.


You will also find this helpful:

Tip: How Do I Get The Best Answer in the Shortest Time?

Getting Started with Keyboard Maestro

For more help, see Getting Started with Keyboard Maestro and the Forum .
