How to Move and Click a cursor on an action box?

How to Move and Click a cursor on an action box ("Yes,"No," "Underline (link)," other action steps.

It depends on what you mean by "action box", and what app you are using.
Please identify the app, and post a screenshot of the "action box" you want to click on.

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Thanks for your interest. I am trying to open a page in the website for “Vanguard” (investment company (

On that website page the first place I want the cursor to go and click on is “Personal investors.” in the box “our sites.”

That in turn will take us to the page: (

Hi, does it have to be a mouse click or does a Safari action go to the web page element?

Personal Investors <05D6 200722T014425>.kmmacros (113,0 KB)

Personal Investors <05D6 200722T014425>

You just have to define a trigger for the macro.

If you want to go to the login page immediately, this simple macro

Personal Investors Login <05D6 200722T015352>.kmmacros (38,1 KB)

Personal Investors Login <05D6 200722T015352>

The "Personal investors" does NOT show up as a "link" to KM.
So, you can use this Execute a JavaScript in Front Browser action, with this JavaScript:

divCollect = document.querySelectorAll('div.cta.triage__cta');
Array.from(divCollect).filter(e => e.innerText === 'Personal investors')[1].click()

If I may enquire in thread, how did you get this javascript link?

Not sure what you mean, but I wrote the code myself.


The big question is did it work for you?

Sorry, no.

I am simply trying to move and click the cursor on any box that says, ”yes," no,” or any link underline that requires the screen to change.


I don't think that is what you asked above:

My script does exactly that, when I run it.