October 9, 2019, 10:44pm
Hi all
so I have this amazing macro I use daily from @ccstone
here it is:
when I use it to rename I have to manually change this part to the name I want to prefix to the sequential numbering
I was wondering if anyone knew how to change that and ask the user when the macro is run for input (from popup input box?) so that that input becomes the variable baseFileName
thx a lot in advance
October 9, 2019, 11:33pm
This is exactly what the Prompt for User Input action is for. Just replace that first "Set Variable" action with one configured like this:
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October 10, 2019, 12:09am
wow @gglick can believe how simple that was
awesome thx so much for your kind help!
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@zeltak , when you need a KM Action, but don't know the name of it, here's some ways to quickly find it:
Use the Insert Action by Name tool, and just type in a keyword, like "input":
Display the Actions Panel, which list all Actions by category
Visit the KM Wiki Article on Actions
To learn more about KM, you may find this helpful.
Getting Started with Keyboard Maestro
Read the Quick Start .
This is essential to become familiar with KM terminology
Do the tutorial (Help ➤ Tutorial) in the KM Editor.
Gives you a live walkthrough of creating a macro in the KM Editor
Review/Browse the Available Macro Actions
For Help with an Action in your Macro, click on the gear icon at the top right of the Action, and select "Help"
Search the Keyboard Maestro Wiki for detailed help.
Start small, and grow your macros organically.
Be prepared for some trial and error in the beginning.
Make good use of this Keyboard Maestro Forum
For more help, see Getting Started with Keyboard Maestro and the Forum .
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